5. Girl's Day And Secrets?

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Last few days been down lately. I haven't been my normal self and I felt sad. There was no reason to be, I guess. School was overwhelming at the moment as I was preparing for my first term exams. After this, I would have only couple months until my senior year ended. Maybe that's why I felt down. College and real life frightened me to be honest. You have no idea what's in store for you. My inner thought voiced out.

To clear my thoughts, I decided to to plan a girl's day with Alia and Maryum this Saturday. We were planning on going to the mall and then eat dinner at some small restaurant.

It was 1pm and I was supposed to be ready in about thirty minutes. I didn't fret because I could literally dress in five minutes.

I decided to pass time by watching some TV and eating chips because I was already so healthy. Note the sarcasm. When the clock hit 1:20, I got up to get ready I just wore a simple top with a cardigan and jeans. I decided to wear flats because why not.
Maryam and Alia both came on time in Maryum car. I walked out and said Salam to them. As I got in I said " I should really get a car". "Samee " Alia replied. Maryum just shook her head . " I like driving my friends ." She said while laughing

It was the best time of the day, the food court. We didn't get much and usually just talked and walked around. We were all enjoying our fries and drinks and it was completely blissful. I mean who could dislike food, especially fries. " Food is literally the best thing." Alia started. Then we all had a full on five minute conversation about what foods we like and what we can cook. "I'm full, I don't think I can have dinner now at that restaurant ." Maryum said. "Me too" I replied. "Same" Alia said.

We headed out to Maryum's car when I realized I left my handbag at the food court. "Oh crap, I left my bag at the food area." I was literally the dumbest person ever to exist. Without thinking further , I quickly walked to the food court. Thankfully people were nice enough to not steal. I quickly grabbed the bag and started to walk away until someone said "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" I looked to see who it was and it was a guy who looked around my age. He had a very small beard and black hair with dark brown eyes He seemed familiar. I think I had seen him at the masjid before.

I replied back "Umh , getting my bag." He looked at me still uncertain. " Your bag?" I nodded slowly and wondered why he had stopped me. "Oh alright, I thought you were like stealing or something cause you walked quickly so ..well this is awkward." He replied rubbing his hand on his neck. I let out a small laugh. "Yeah."

" Well my name is Zain." He introduced himself after that small awkward silence.

"Hayat, that's my name. Um is there any chance you go to the masjid that's in downtown?"

"I actually do." He said smiling."Oh that's good because I thought I've seen you there. Well I have to go now. It was nice meeting ."

Zain nodded and said "Yeah, sorry about that, I was just trying to be a good person and like I thought you were stealing and all. Well see you around I guess." I just nodded and said the same.

I went out of the mall and headed towards the car. Maryum and Alia were having a conversation and then Alia saw me and came toward "What took you so long? I'm so tirrredd ." She whined playfully like a baby. "Someone thought I was stealing my own bag and all. " I said tiredly. I didn't realize how tired I was until now and I couldn't wait to crash my bed. "I'm tired too by the way. " I said while whining. "Really? That's funny." Maryum said amusingly.

We all got in the car and the conversation continued. "Was it like an associate or what?" Alia asked. "No actually. It some guy who goes to our masjid.I think his name was -" I kinda had forgotten and then remembered . "Oh yeah, his name was Zain." Right when I said his name, Maryum abruptly hit the break in middle of the street and we all shook . "Woah!" I said loudly. "Are you okay maryum?" Alia asked worried. " Oh yeah, I'm sorry...I uh don't know what happened." She said unclear.

I raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I am fine okay?" She said annoyingly. I didn't take it to heart . She probably was thinking about something and was lost in her thoughts.

"At least there wasn't a car coming from the opposite side " Alia said quietly . "Yeah, Allumduillah . " I said to myself.

I thanked Maryum for the ride and she waved it off and smiled. I went home and couldn't wait to crash bed. Literally as I walked in, my mother bombarded me with questions. "Where were you out this late" She exclaimed . " I was with Maryum and Alia. I thought I told you yesterday and it's only -"I looked around to find the clock. "9". Wait? It was nine already? Dang , time went no where. "Ammi , I seriously didn't know like I lost track of time. Woah." She looked at me,less stressed now. " I was just worried for you Hayat. " She kissed my cheek. "Don't worry I can take responsibility of myself Ammi."

Then I remembered the last time I said I could take care of myself, I fell over a rock. I mentally slapped myself at the memory.
"Well go to bed now, you look tired" I totally agreed with her. I was tired.
" Alright, goodnight Ammi, I love youu."
" Love you too Hayat." She said and walked to her room. I Went to my room and changed into much comfy clothes.

I literally jumped into bed and sank into a deep sleep.


I was studying when Ammi had announced we were going to an Aunty's house for some 'important business' . I groaned because final exams were more important than getting all dressed up and I really don't know why I was needed. Lazily getting off of my bed, I went to my closet to pick out an outfit.

I decided to wear a simple traditional dress. I did my usually routine of putting on mascara and eyeliner.

After I got my shoes on, I left the room with my phone and while I was walking past my parent's room, I heard a very loud conversation going on. I know it's horrible to eavesdrop but I heard my name and immediately stood next the door.

I saw Ammi and Abbu through the small crack of the door.

"....we have to tell Hayat soon. This can't go on, she deserves to know!" Ammi had said loudly. There was some silence for some seconds and then Abbu said in a calm voice

" We will tell her after this matter and proposal is settled. Until then , we will keep quiet. I don't want to put her in danger because of Hussain."

I was in shock. What were they hiding and who is this Hussain guy? And what proposal was Abbu talking about?...

Thank you for reading! Can't believe this story is at over 500 reads. Makes me happy (:

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