Ch7. Are you mocking me?

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We were all standing in the courtyard, waiting for sensei Aizawa's word

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We were all standing in the courtyard, waiting for sensei Aizawa's word. I felt pretty nervous about what i should do with my quirk, will he even let me take the blindfold off for these small tests?
I mean, he already knows what my quirk is and how it works.

'Alright, we're starting with the 50 meter dash. Get in line Tenya and Asui.' Aizawa said with a bored face pointing at where they'll be running.

Tenya scored about 3.04 seconds with Asui behind with 5.58 seconds.

Next were Ururaka and Ojiro. And so on, eventually leaving Bakugou with Izuku.
Bakugou flew within 4.13 seconds with his explosions, with smoke getting in the way of Izuku. 'Cmon that's not fair' i thought.

It was now my turn with... wait DENKI!?
I have't noticed him all day, he's in class 1-A?

'Hey Y/N long time no see! I haven't seen you the whole day, what a coincidence that we're in the same class huh?' My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Denki.

I glanced at him for a second and nodded with a small smile. 'Stop having a conversation. Start running.' Aizawa grumbled.

I decided to run normally without my quirk, maybe if i score lower than Izuku he won't be expelled right?

Grip strength.
I looked down at the hand-held device in my hand, and heard in the background: 'wow you got 540,4 kg! Are you a monster!?'
I chuckled at myself and clutched as lightly as i could on the device. Scoring a... 23 kg.
Glancing over the device Midoriya was holding, it said 56,0 kg. I smiled at the sight.

Now was long jump.
Bakugou and Aoyama cleared the sandbox, as for Midoriya he landed within the sandbox.
If i just land withit in as well, just a bit less distance than Midoriya, he'll be safe.
And so i did that. I landed within the sandbox, just a meter behind Midoriya.

Continuing the rest of the tests with side steps, we were now at the ball throw.

We were walking towards the field when i suddenly felt a hand grab my arm roughly.
I turned around to be met face to face with my uncle, with a pissed of face.
'Are you mocking me or something?' He grumbled, staring down at me.
'H-huh, no i'm not!' I sweat dropped at the sudden tension.
'Then do your best, stop fooling around. If you fail this test, i'll give you extra work to do. Hell, maybe even fail you immediately.' He said.
I flinched at the last part.

First up was Bakugou, again. Scoring 705,2 meters.
Up next was Ururaka with her quirk. I wasn't sure yet what it was, but i'd find out now.
She scored a total of... infinity!? Is her quirk something with gravity?

Next was Midoriya. Please do your best Izuku, find a way! I thought and cheered for him.

He toom a strong stance on the ground, swung his arm back, and threw...!
46 meters?
HUH????? The whole class gasped when they saw what their teacher was doing.

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