(Warning: this story can possibly contain blood, violence, curse words, questionable content and such. The reader/Y/N will be seen as a bit overpowered, but who doesn't li...
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And there I stood, in front of the mirror in my bathroom. 'How did I come to this?' i thought while washing my blindfold. You may be asking why I would do such a thing, but what do you expect from someone who has to wear this thing for a very long time? Sweat and such will be stuck on the blindfold, making it dirty.
I look in the mirror at my exposed face, I would be lying if I said I wasn't beautiful. It's a shame I have to cover half of it up. To be honest, I could just leave the blindfold off and just never talk. But that of course wouldn't really work out, so I just leave the blindfold on.
flashback 'You shall begin tomorrow morning with me to train with young Midoriya!' Dad said.
'But why do i have to train with you? As well as help you? Haven't I trained enough my whole life dad?' I asked with question marks above my head.
'Well... It's true that you have good enough stamina, strength, speed, and such. But you could always learn some more combat moves!' He laughed out loud
'I already know good enough combat moves. Dad.' I growled back, feeling offended. I've been training almost my whole life, especially the most by Shoto Aizawa. Or should i say Eraser Head? Honestly, he didn't show that he liked me or even enjoyed teaching me, but i knew all along that he does.
'C'mon young Y/N, don't be like that. I don't mean to offend you sweetheart but you could always get extra training and help me with training.' He smiled softly back at me
I rolled my eyes and started walking upstairs. 'What time?'
'6 AM'
End Flashback
I took ahold of a black tanktop with stretchy black leggings. I put my hair in a high bun and put on my blindfold again, followed by my sports sneakers. (If you have short hair just leave it be)
Walking downstairs with a bag in hand, I can see dad cooking a quick meal. He wasn't really the best at cooking, but he tried. Because of his bad cooking skills i mostly do it, but i guess he's being generous today morning since i agreed on training.
'Goodmorning Y/N' Toshinori smiled while he places a plate on the dinner table followed by him putting 2 cooked eggs on it. He hands me some milk, a fork, and some bread to use.
'Thanks, dad.' I replied looking at the breakfast he had made for me. Not gonna lie, it looked decent for once, and not burnt.
'Hey, dad? Does um this 'Midoriya' know that I'm you know...' I trailed off looking at him through my blindfold.
He stared back at me, not sure of what to answer. 'Well, not yet. Maybe we could tell him when we train him today? I mean, I'm sure he'll need an explanation on why you'd tag along.'
'Are you sure we can trust him?' I asked with a serious tone.
'Yes dear, he's a good kid. I just know it. Now eat up before it gets cold.' He chuckled and pushed the plate a bit more forward my way. .
My dad, or All Might right as of this moment, are both walking together to the Takoba Municipal beach park. He told me that we'd train there, and clean up the beach. Well not us three, only me and Midoriya.
We finally arrive at the beach park, and i took notice of a greenette sitting on a railing.
'Ah! Young Midoriya, glad you're here early.' All Might said out loud for the boy to turn his head around quickly.
Just as he turned his head, he saw a familiar blindfolded girl. 'H-hey! Y-you're the girl I met at my s-school!' Midoriya yelped out loud while pointing at the girl with a small blush.
'Dear daughter, you met him before Y/N?' All Might glanced down at the small girl beside him looking blankly at the word choices her father chose.
'What an interesting word choice you made, dad.' She muttered the last part.
All Might and the girl both slowly look at the boy in front of them, almost forgetting their presence. They could both see his eyes being wide open and his smile trembling, still having a blush on his face.
'Y-you're... YOU'RE HIS D-DAUGHTER!?' Midoriya yelled out loud, now completely freaking out with a pale face. He couldn't believe it, since when did All Might have a daughter? She looks nothing like him at all! Well, maybe she does? He couldn't tell because of the blindfold.
The girl simply nodded, still scared to talk to the boy. She couldn't understand why she isn't able to talk to kids her age. Sadly, because she just simply nodded, the boy thought she didn't like him at all. She came off really cold as if she doesn't want anything to do with the boy.
He could feel his heart racing.
'*cough* let's get started shall we?' All Might thankfully broke the awkward silence between the two, making them both look up to him. .
At the moment, Midoriya was attempting to carry a huge wheel. And struggled. Badly. As of Y/N, she was dragging a fridge with some more boxes on top. She struggled a bit, but she could still make it move.
The boy looked to his side to where the girl was dragging the fridge. He could see small sweatdrops rolling down her neck. Even tho he couldn't see her face fully, he thought she was beautiful.
Y/N took notice of a pair of eyes on her and turned her head to the side where Midoriya was with the wheel. He quickly turned his head away and continued carrying the wheel with all his power.
'H-huh?' Midoriya yelped out loud looking towards the girl suddenly saying something.
'My name is Y/N. Hi. ' She kept looking forward. On the outside, she looked calm, cold, and cool. But on the inside, she could feel her heart racing a thousand miles per hour. She was truly freaking out about talking to the boy. This was probably the most awkward encounter she'd had in her whole life with a kid.
'What kind of sentence was that Y/N? mY nAmE iS y/N hI' she screamed at herself mentally.
But what she didn't know, is that the boy was looking wide-eyed at the girl with a small blush forming.
'Izuku, Izuku Midoriya' He smiled back at the girl, that is now looking directly at him. .