Ch26. Todoroki VS Yagi

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You were walking fearlessly on the stage after Midnight had called your name

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You were walking fearlessly on the stage after Midnight had called your name. It was this time you first to step on up, so you had to do your extra best to stand your ground until your competitor arrived.

Finally reaching your desired destination in the far left corner of the arena, you stomped your foot on the ground- making some small dust particles fly around- and stared off at the distance where Todoroki was expected to be walking out of.

"And now- ladies and gentlemen, Todoroki Shoto!" Announced Midnight as she flung her arm towards her right, with a huge memorable smile on her gorgeous face.

Todoroki was walking now towards the arena as well with his resting, recognizable, ice cold face. It seemed like the ice king himself wasn't stressing at all about his upcoming match due to his hands resting in his pockets.

You felt an slight vein pop up on your forehead in annoyance. Did this guy really look down on you that much? Even after what happened just five minutes ago? DIDN'T THE TWO OF YOU HAVE A BIT IF A BONDING MOMENT JUST NOW!?

Clenching your jaw, you silently waited for the slow boy to stand firmly on the opposite ground of you. Your eyes under your blindfold darted over towards Midnight's, and saw that she was about to start the match.

Your quick thinking made you grasp your blindfold and hurriedly snatch it off before she could yell start. This was all so you could use your quirk on the boy before he shot all his ice towards you- yet, you were too late.

By the time your blindfold was off, the UA teacher yelled 'START!', and Todoroki's ice was already coming your way in a speed your eyes couldn't focus on.

You let out a small yelp as you dashed to the side to escape from the trail of ice that came from Todoroki's foot, and yelled the following words out loud while looking at the ice; "Break!"

Just by that, the ice shattered into a million pieces and the arena was just like before. Just with a little bit of 'snow'.

"You know, you can't keep on yelling to win this match." Todoroki bluntly said, and shot two ice trails this time towards you. You couldn't dodge this time since they were coming from two different ways, so you had to use your quirk once again.


'I know this guy wont stop sending ice my way, maybe even fire later, so i have to think quickly before he can trap me..' You thought while running around like a maniac while Todoroki tried to lead you all kinds of different directions, though, you kept yelling 'break', making pathways for yourself.

"I know you helped me and all, but right now you're getting on my nerves by running around like that, Yagi." Todoroki grunted and shot ice shards your way and a path. You dodged them both and crouched down, making it hard to see you due to all the smoke emitting from the shattered ice.

As you were laying low, you noticed some ice shards still left on the ground by all the previous breaks you made. This gave you an idea.
Since you weren't able to get close to the boy or not even see him once by his ice walls, you'll just have to get him from above with his own quirk.

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