(Warning: this story can possibly contain blood, violence, curse words, questionable content and such. The reader/Y/N will be seen as a bit overpowered, but who doesn't li...
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The soft covers of the bed were hugging every part of your body, and the only thing that kept your warm right now was the warmed up blanket on top of you.
Silent beeps and pressed buttons could be heard throughout the room, though, you didn't dare to open one single eye yet.
It wasn't because you were scared, or embarrassed. It also wasn't because you were tired or anything, you were something far from that. You were just... lazy.
Your breaths started to pacen up a bit, showing more consciousness. The heart monitor was becoming more stable, making the recognizable nurse notice immediately. She obviously knew what you were doing and raised an annoying brow.
"I know what you're doing, Yagi. If you're feeling fine get out of here already. Your wounds were all healed in no time and you had little to no fractures." Spoke Recovery Girl with a hint of annoyance yet delicateness.
A groan was made in response by you and you quickly sat up again. You glanced a bit around the room until finally your eyes met with Recovery Girl's.
"Granny, when is it my turn to head out to the arena?" You tilted your head and rested your cheek on your shoulder whose hand was pressed firmly on the soft mattress.
"You should first speak up when you've putten on your blindfold, Yagi." Recovery girl sighed and handed you a washed black blindfold. You widened your eyes and hurriedly snatched the cloth out of her hand and tied it around your soft eyes.
"But anyways- to answer your question, Bakugo and Tokoyami are now fighting. So i'm guessing your fight is in about 10 minutes or so. I recommend you-" before Recovery Girl could finish her sentence, you abruptly jumped out of your bed, but quickly fell to the ground due to the soreness in your legs.
"I wouldn't have done that if i were you." Recovery Girl chuckled to herself by your act. It wasn't a surprise that your legs were sore after laying down in a bed completely motionless for half an hour or so. Especially after all the healing the little healing hero has done.
"I'm- fine, granny. Sorry." You grumbled as you tried your best to stand up. Recovery Girl, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes and sighed out loud.
"I know you're fine, your a tough girl. The only person i know is not fine is your father. He's been coming in and out of my office to check up on you. He's been here about thirty-" The door smashed against the wall, interrupting Recovery Girl her speech once again.
"Well, i guess its thirty-seven now." The old woman sighed to herself and began walking away towards her stool.
And there he was, your father in his glory. He at first had this worrying look on his face, but once he noticed you crouching down on the floor, he immediately brightened and kneeled infront of you.
"Y/N! I'm so glad your okay! That fall seemed really harsh on you! Good to see you've finally woken up!" Began All Might, he kept rambling non stop about how you were badly hurt and his worries.