(Warning: this story can possibly contain blood, violence, curse words, questionable content and such. The reader/Y/N will be seen as a bit overpowered, but who doesn't li...
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After that...talk...with my father i just sat there in silence for a couple of minutes, until i decided to take my leave for the shop.
'I'm going.' I muttered softly. Dad gave me a small smile, 'going to Nezu's again to eat and drink mochi and tea?' I nodded and gave him a small smile back. He has pretty much been used to me leaving every Friday, and the reason i'm able to do this is because i haven't been enrolled in an actual school here.
Basically i've been home schooled since my quirk wouldn't be the safest around inexperienced faculty.
Back then, the moment my quirk got discovered and tested on, i had to make many contracts and promises to not use any extremely harmful words and scenarios for other people. If i would, i'd probably be sent to jail or house arrest immediately. And if i'd do it a second time, well, i don't want to imagine what would happen.
Reason is, they found out i actually exploded the heart of the man that killed my parents. I mean i wouldn't want to do that again since i got a pretty bad drawback because of that, that was proven due to me blacking out back then.
I explained to the authorities and heroes that i imagined the scenario happening in my head while i looked him straight in the eye and yelled the words 'die' at him. They were pretty much scared of me at that point, but i wouldn't do anything. I was just a mere child that lost her parents.
And now comes the conclusion: if i ever try to kill someone off easily with my quirk, i get many outcomes. Bad drawback, could lead to own death. Prison time. A very very long house arrest. Kept up in a lab, yeah you heard that right. And finally execution. They figured out that i could be that dangerous to society that they had to put execution on the list.
That's why i made a promise to myself that i'll never use a death related scenario with anyone. Even villains. . . . Anyways getting off track.
It was now around 11:30 am. The shop would usually open at 12, so i decided to walk around a bit.
Every time i take a long route to the shop, i seem to pass a school. I always stare at the building, in hope that i'd get to a school with people without any danger or extra authority.
The cute outfits, the satisfying bell, the nice tainted windows, the teaching, friends, courtyard, i could name a thousand reasons on why i would wanna go there, but i could name a million reasons why i wasn't allowed. . After a bit of walking i once again, pass the school. But this time i could hear louder voices. 'Students? Oh right, i guess it's lunchbreak right?' I thought while glancing towards the noise.
From where i was standing i could see in an open window the back of a blonde haired boy, swinging what seems to be a notebook in his hand. I could hear him laughing and eventually giving out... a threat? Honestly, i could sense the dark aroma from here.