Chapter 3

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Kayla's POV

I knocked on the large pink door and waited. I've always wondered why it was pink but then again, the whole place was decorated by the Eloise and Felicity. At least it wasn't yucky pink, instead a nice smoked salmon shade with golden vines intertwined around it. Felicity was always a fan of nature, so there were a few times where you could see little bugs on the vines.

  When the door opened, the room was as usual dark from the outside but as soon as I stepped in, the door shut behind me and the fogginess cleared. The room could clearly be seen as a library, a row of book shelves filled half the room. There was a small area where an old fashioned wooden coffee surrounded by two comfy looking couch.

  "Ah, Kayla, you're here," Felicity smiled gently. She shut the window and turned to me. I never knew what she can see from the window.

  "I'm here with my report," I told them.

  "Of course, sit, sit," she said, gesturing to the stool nearby. "Tell us how Amber is doing."

  "Not good, she's pregnant and alone," I said, remembereing the moment.

  "And that gives you the right to 'comfort' her?" Eloise asked, pointedly.

  "Well, she was upset and-"

  "You don't have to explain, it's understandable," Felicity said, shooting a look at Eloise. "Now, on to your report."

  "David freaked out when he got the news and went back to the party. Amber, on the other hand, went home," I reported.


  "And...that's it."

  "You're telling us that that's the end of your report?" Eloise asked.

  "Well, Philly said that-"

  "Kayla, as a Cupid, you have violated a rule by letting a human touch you-"

  "She was upset and I couldn't just leave her alone!" I protested.

  "That is not the case right now," Felicity said, sharply. "Right now, you're telling us, you left Amber to go home alone. You don't even know what's she doing right now."

  "Probably crying her eyes out," I guessed.

  "Don't act like you know it all when you clearly don't," Eloise said, clearly annoyed with me.

  "Kayla, you're new, I get it," Felicity began. "But humans have this part of them where they get very emotional, especially in these kind of situations."

  "I know that, but we're only Cupids," I held back the urge to roll my eyes when Eloise let out a gasp of shock. "What can we do but show them to their supposedly loved ones?"

  Eloise seemed to want to say something but quickly stopped herself and went to find a book out of the millions in the room. Felicity examined me from top to bottom, making me feel nervous. She has the power to make you feel as if you've done something wrong when you clearly didn't.

  "Kayla, have you ever heard the word 'pets'?" she asked me, ignoring the snort she got from Eloise.

  "You want me to think of humans as my pet?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. What is she up to now?

  "No, no, I was thinking more of you as their pet," she said.

  "Me? A pet?"

  "Think of it this way, if humans don't fall in love and if they don't fall in love, they don't make babies and if they don't make babies, their population cease to exist," she said. "And what happens if there's no humans?"

  "We have no jobs?" I answered, more of questioned.

  "No, we won't even be here," she told me. "Believe it or not, Kayla, we were born humans."

  "So why are we cupids? Why aren't we down there with the humans?" I asked, confused by the not so new fact. I've learned that from Philly, but I never understood how I got here then.

  "You will know this later," she said, matter-of-factly.

  "For now, you should focus on your human," Eloise piped up, from the window. "She's supposed to be with David, but instead, she's already charmed by that fellow, Seth."

  "What?" Felicity turned and quickly made her way to the window. "That wasn't supposed to happen. She'll be dead before the baby's born then."

  Eloise turned to me, who was still confused and clueless on what to do, "What are you standing there for? Go down there, and knock some sense into her and this time, make sure you stay with her till night falls."

  "Um....okay..." I said, uncertainly, and left.

  Outside, Philly was waiting for me, nervously pacing around. He quickly ran up to me with questions, "Well? Were they mad? You're not in trouble, are you?"

  "No and yes," I answered. "No, they weren't exactly mad but I am in trouble for leaving Amber alone." 

  "What? Why? You've left your humans before," Philly said, confused. "What do you think they're up to?"

  I shrugged and quickly made my way back down to Amber.


Felicity's POV

 "How can she be so careless?" Eloise tutted.

  We watched from afar as Seth held Amber in his arms and at the same time, checking out other girls. I watched as a familiar lizard crawled on the wall, nearby. A few kids nearby pointed at her, in fascination. Just then, a waitress came by to take their orders and it was clear by the look in his eyes, Seth was more interested her than Amber, who was still half crying.

  Amber, noticing that he was preoccupied, quickly excused herself and made her way home, where her parents were waiting. Her Mum greeted her, fussing over her, the baby and her Dad, scolding her, before cursing David, repeatedly.

  I didn't say anything but just silently agreed with what Eloise said, earlier.


Haha! Thank you for reading this far and thanks to ForeverJoker for the pretty ad.

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