000. the meeting

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THE ORIGINALS tensed up at their surroundings. One moment they were getting ready for the ball and all of a sudden there in what looked like.. a theater.

"What is the meaning of this?" The original hybrid known as Klaus Mikaelson growled darting his eyes around which were on full alert.

The family of originals thoughts immediately went to Mikael. Things had been going a little too well the past few days. Their mother was back and she had planned a ball in celebration of their family being reunited again. They should've known it was too good to be true.

The family's thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. The family of originals turned around and they paled at the sight before them. Their eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

"Henrik?" Rebekah's voice broke through the silence. There standing in front of her was her deceased baby brother looking at her sheepishly.

"Hi Bekah." He grinned awkwardly waving his hand at his siblings.

"This is impossible, you died." Kol whispered looking at him in sadness. Such a young innocent soul taken away by the hands of out of control beasts.

Rebekah then ran towards Henrik — without her vampire speed thinking he was oblivious towards the creatures known as vampires and captured him in a hug and the rest of his siblings (besides a certain someone) followed.

Klaus silently watched as his siblings threw themselves onto his little brother. He watched them reunite with each other as he stood by thinking Henrik hated him for what he did to him and wanted nothing to do with him just like the rest of his siblings, besides Elijah.

"Nik." Henrik called out interrupting his thoughts. Klaus stood waiting to be shouted at. To tell him that it was his fault he died that day. To tell him that he hated him. But instead, Henrik broke away from his sibling's bear hug and ran up to him and hugged him.

Klaus' eyes watered not expecting the sudden burst of affection at all.

"It's not your fault Nik, it never was. I'm alright, I've watched you wallow in self-hate for years, enough is enough. Do not blame yourself for my curiosity about the wolves. Always and forever remember?" He pulled back and smiled sympathetically.

Klaus nodded and pulled him back into a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He dug his face into Henrik's shoulder, not wanting his siblings to see his guarded persona crumble.

"You did nothing wrong Nik it was never your fault" Henrik repeated to his older brother.

Klaus struggled to keep in choked sobs, clinging on to Henrik. Afraid he'll disappear again.

The original family didn't know what to think about their brother's sudden arrival. But right now they didn't care. For their baby brother was back for who knows how long, but they will spend as much time with him as they can.

The family moment was broken by an all too familiar voice.

"Hate to break up this family reunion.." Damon chimes in waving his hand around for dramatics. He couldn't help but be baffled at the show of emotion besides anger in Klaus. And it was weird and unknown to him and Damon did not like the unknown. So of course he got rid of it. "But where are we?"

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