002. stefan

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.・。.・゜✭・.  𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯  ・。.・゜✭・.


THE SCREEN shows soldiers that were looked  like they were made out of trees holding wooden spears, and a giant hole in a wall that leads into a dark cave.

Everyone saw the spears they were holding and noted that these must've been the guards of the land.

Maleficent is seen flying and landed at where the guards were. One of The guards speaks in a weird language. "I'm not afraid. besides, I've never seen a human up close."

"What language was that?" Finn questioned having never heard of that language. "Maybe I would've known had Klaus not stuffed me in a coffin for 900 years." He set his arms on the arm rests of the chair and crossed his legs as he side glared his brother — which he no longer considered him.

Klaus just shot a look over to him leaning over Elijah's shoulder to get a good look. "And if you continue to keep that attitude dear brother, I won't hesitate to do it again." He pulled out the dagger.

Henrik sighed. Again with the dagger threats.

Finn scoffed eyeing the dagger but did not bother doing anything. For his mother would handle him when they got back. He smirked at the thought thinking nobody caught it.

Henrick did and shook his head in disappointment. He knew all about his plans seeing as he's been watching over his siblings from the other side. He could not blame Finn though. He would be furious as well if he was stuffed in a box for 900 years but he will not let Finn go through with this plan.

The book shook making Elijah open it. The language you asked about Finn, is called moorstongue.

Everyone grew confused at the unfamiliar name, especially Alaric and the original family. One being an expert with history and the latter being old enough to learn almost every language. Neither heard of 'moorstongue.'

"Come out! Come out right this instant!" Maleficent demands while trying to peak into the cave.

"No, they mean to kill me, and besides their hideous to look at." A child's voice replied echoing throughout the cave.

Most of the theater relaxes realizing the "threat" was that of a mere child.

One of the guards growls, taking offense to the insult. "That's extremely rude!" Maleficent turns her head to the guard. "Don't listen to him Balthazar, you're classically handsome."

The guard nods at her in thanks. Maleficent smiles and turns back toward the cave, "Its not right to steal. But we don't kill people for it. Come out. Come out this instant!"

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