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.・。.・゜✭・. 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 ・。.・゜✭・.


The screen faded black and cut to maids running around the castle buzzing in excitement. "It's a girl!" One of them exclaimed.  They all started jumping around chanting. "It's a girl!"

"Stefan must have gotten the former Kings daughter pregnant..." Rebekah trailed off and frowned at the thought. Her niece will be even more crushed then she already is.

Klaus clenched his jaw angrily at the thought of his daughter being in any more pain then she already is. And all because of this greedy man. "He has a lot of nerve engaging in sexual activities after doing what he did to Maleficent." He spat out angrily but then smirked at a thought which he voiced. "Not to worry though. He crossed a Mikaelson and that never ends well."

Henrick and Kol mirrored his smirk.

But they didn't notice the crow watching afar with pity swirling in his eyes.

Diaval fly's away to Maleficent who is standing wrapped in a shawl near the water. She looks at Diaval expectantly when he lands. He stumbles for a bit but regains his composure and lets out a breath.

Damon snickered at his struggle.

"Well?" Maleficent looks at him raising a brow.

"Well I saw nothin', But there's Been a um.." He stutters under her intense stare.

"What?" Maleficent snaps impatiently.

"Child, King Stefan and the queen had a child." He spits out hesitantly.

"Wait how could he have already had the child? It wasn't even that long ago when he betrayed Maleficent... unless-" Finn started But Rebekah finished.

"The bastard was cheating." Rebekah gritted out.

Klaus' eyes glowed and he angrily dug his nails into the chair in fury. That bastard was fooling her this whole time.

"That's just so foul." Bonnie shakes her head exasperated at the reveal. She felt even more sorry for Maleficent. Everyone did.

"That low life, good for nothing piece of shit!" Henrick exclaimed jumping up.

"And that poor baby." Rebekah sympathizes the child knowing she'll have to grow up with that poor excuse of a man.

"If Maleficent doesn't kill this disgrace then I will." Klaus glared huffing out a breath. "Now little sister, do you see why I don't let those..boys" He sneered out the last word. "get close to you?" He looks at Rebekah hoping she would finally understand and stop hating him for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2023 ⏰

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