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.・。.・゜✭・. 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘴 𝘢 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 ・。.・゜✭・.


EVERYBODY IN THE ROOM didn't really know what to say. Most of them weren't good with emotions so they blocked out whatever they were feeling toward the girl's sadness.

The Klaus wondered why he could not feel her pain. Being a wolf you were bound to be connected with your cub or in a human's case—a child. It was what you would call a bond.

The screen shows Stefan walking slowly into the Kings room with Maleficent's wings in hand.

He dropped the wings onto the bed where the King was resting making him sit up weakly and look at the wings in confusion. "What is this?" He grumbled. Stefan removed the blanket he had on the wings and says "I have avenged you sire."

"She's vanquished?" The King wheezes out disbelievingly and hopefully. Stefan nods without hesitation.

"Bloody wanker, look at the relief on his face. Nothing but a coward." Rebekah scoffed rolling her eyes. She was glad to see the effect her niece had on these men. Back then it was always the other way around.

"You have done well my son. You have done what others fear to do, you will be rewarded."

"I will do my best, to be a worthy successor. Your majesty. " Stefan bowed hiding his smirk.

"This dude is pathetic. He didn't even have the balls to kill her and here's standing there talking about how "he's worthy." Jeremy puts his hands up to make air quotes rolling his eyes making everyone nod in agreement.

The screen switches to it snowing outside. Maleficent sat up against the tree trunk and slowly tried to get up.

The mood grows solemn seeing the woman's state, Klaus even more so. Now that he knew he really had a daughter the emotions he was feeling towards her before heightened. While he wasn't feeling as upset before because of the fact that there was no proof or any reason to believe he actually had a child, now he was livid. Livid at the fact that someone had tainted what he helped create, tainted someone that was supposed to be a part of the "always and forever."

He was livid at the fact that he wasn't there to help her, to get rid of the greedy man before he even had a chance to make her fall in love with him and take advantage of her, livid at the fact that he was never there. Just like his father wasn't.

And that's what scared him. Being just like his father.

Maleficent stumbles but quickly regains her balance, her face twisted into pain. She lets out a breath and looks to the ground spotting a small stick. She picks it up and the yellow magic she possesses emerged from her palms and makes the stick grow into a tall staff with a stone at the top.

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