Chapter Three: First Day

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At five thirty in the morning, an alarm came over the intercom, waking Shelby up with a start. She saw a package at the foot of her bed, and it had a note attached to the top, saying 'Shelby, here is your suit, and I hope you grow to like it here. -Instructor' Shelby opened the box, and there was a white leather fighting suit with a black hair tie to tie her hair up. At the bottom, there were combat army boots that were black with white laces. She put them all on, and headed to the dining hall for breakfast. Breakfast that day was scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and biscuits. She grabbed some breakfast, and sat down in the same place as last night. The Instructor walked in, and all the girls immediately sat up straight, and stopped eating, except Shelby. She came right up to Shelby, and handed her a schedule with her name, and her classes on them. "Your schedule." She said. "Thanks." Shelby said, taking the piece of paper in her hands.

Her first class was called 'Introduction to Fighting' with Calistro. As soon as she walked in, she was stared at by three other girls. Ginger, Holly and Jennifer, as she learned later. Shelby joined them on the mat, facing Calistro. "On each mission you will be assigned, you will work with one of the boys here in the Program. You need to learn to fight like one." Calistro said, starting the lesson. "Your greatest weapon is your body, and you must learn how to use it." She added. She demonstrated multiple simple fighting moves that Shelby couldn't seem to get right on first try, but had help with. After that class, she had three others, then they took a break for lunch. After lunch, she went to 'Defensive Boxing' and asked "Why are we doing all of these classes? I mean, what's the point?" And heard the other girls in that class gasp. "Do you want to go to the Dark Room?" The teacher asked back. "No, but I want to know why we're doing all of this." Shelby said stubbornly. "Do your drills." The teacher dismissed. "No!" She said again.

"That's it, to the Dark Room, but first, some discipline. Guards!" The teacher called. Two men burst in the room, and took Shelby to a room with scuff marks all over the floors and walls. "W-What happens in here?" She asked the guard behind her. He didn't answer, only grinned and closed the door behind him. He took a whip off of a hook from the wall, and started whiping Shelby, until she was backed up against a wall, with her head covered by her arms. After he was done 'disciplining' her, the other guard took her to the Dark Room, aka just a really dark room, with nothing else in it, no bed, no windows, and it was soundproof, so no one could hear her scream. She stayed in there for the rest of the day, with no dinner, and she didn't even finish her classes. That's when she decided to not disobey the teachers.

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