Chapter Six: The Dark Room

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Rich and Shelby were trapped in the Dark Room, with nothing but each other and a flashlight. There were at least six hours before anyone was going to wake up, so no one would even know they were missing until then. "Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no." Shelby said. "If anyone finds out-" She started. "Hey, hey, look at me." Rich said, walking over to where Shelby was standing. "We'll be fine, I'll find us a way out of here." He assured. "Okay." Shelby said. She sat down by the wall, and watched Rich look for a way out. After trying multiple times, he gave up, and sat next to Shelby. He turned the flashlight off, and yawned. Shelby was getting pretty tired, too. She laid her head on his shoulder. He flinched slightly, but set his head on her head, and they both fell asleep in the Dark Room together.

The next day, both Rich and Shelby were startled by the morning alarm, but when they awoke, they found that they were still in the Dark Room, and no one had found them. "Rich? What do we do?" Shelby asked. "I don't know. Just wait for someone to find us?" He suggested. "But for how long? After breakfast? Lunch?" She asked. He shrugged sadly, and rested his head against the wall. "It was a good date." Shelby looked at him, although she could barely see. "Huh?" Rich asked. "The date, it was good, until we got trapped in here." She said. "Oh. Thanks. I was gonna show you some other stuff, but, here we are." He sighed. "It's okay. The date doesn't have to be over." Shelby said. He was about to question her, but she kissed him on the lips before he could. "Shelby." He mumbled. His strong arms pushed her shoulders back gently.

"We're in the Dark Room, and you wanna kiss?" He asked softly. "Well, what else can we do to pass the time?" She asked. "Talk, stare at nothing, not kissing." He said. "Oh. I'm sorry." Shelby said. She rested her arms and head on her knees. "No, I didn't mean it like, that, I meant..." He started. "I do like you, and I do want to kiss you, trust me, I've wanted to kiss you since I saw you in Russia, but what if the teachers, or the Instructor come in?" Rich asked. "What happens if they see us, we'd be in even more trouble then." He added. "You're right..." She said sadly. He leaned over, and kissed her cheek. "I don't care anymore." He whispered. "Come here." He added. Shelby crawled over to him, and he kissed her when she was settled in between his legs. "You do that so good, you know that?" Shelby joked. "Only for you." He replied, cupping her face in his hands. She chuckled, and went back to kiss him, but the door slammed open just as her lips touched his. The Instructor had found them.

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