(Camilo and Mirabel Madrigal) Colorful Bond

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Standing by the opened gates a distance away, you continued to wave goodbye to the retreating figures of your parents despite them unable to see it. It seemed you'll be the one guarding the house temporarily. Through the dim lighting from the still rising sun over the horizon that's mostly hiding away behind the majestic mountains caused you to easily pinpoint their location through their artificial source of light. Gazing at the horizon seemed to have been a bad move since even though it resulted for you to see the beauty of the early morning, it also reminded you of the remaining time you need to accomplish the task that had been left for you to do.

Remembering the three different colored buckets of paints placed on a small wagon, you change its position near the fence that's needed to be coated by the liquid. Properly covering each bucket to avoid any paint to spill during the short travel, you carefully gripped the handles of the wagon before gently guiding it to a vacant and steady area near the fence. Just when you are relieved of the small challenge, you found yourself acquiring another one that even though it can be easily solved through an easy task of decision making, you find it all the more difficult to perform the challenge. You sighed before finding yourself facing a temporary conundrum.

Subtle exhaustion already invaded you as you carefully let the wagon stay put before you proceed to stare at the paint buckets where respective colors are marked with a sticker on its lid. To help with choosing the right color for that part of the fence, you gazed around before deciding to choose the contrasting color for it to stand out. For the third time that day, upon succeeding through a hindrance to start off the chore that had been given to you by your parents before they start with their early shopping within the undeniably already lively market nearby, comes a certain duo's presence. You are still busy preparing that you did not notice them.

Taking out the container where different paintbrushes are placed, you grabbed the most suitable out of the bunch in making your task quick to finish. Just as you were about to also carry the paint bucket to let it be placed beside you while you work, you could hear Camilo calling you as you're certain it would be followed by her cousin of the same age as they seemed to always stick together whenever one would try to spend some time with you. Having their presence is welcome, but for the current situation where you haven't even started, you're certain that there would be another surprise bound to happen caused by them.

Before you could open the lid of the paint, you glanced at an approaching figure, immediately seeing Camilo's jovial grin while he excitedly waves at you while stating his greeting before informing you of his objective. "Y/N! I heard from Isabela that you need to paint your fence. I can help you if you want!"

Before you could agree with the additional help, Camilo's smile faltered before he inaudibly groaned when you turned your attention to his approaching cousin that immediately exclaims. "Dolores was right! You really are here. In your house. Anyway, that's not why I'm here! I'm still sad that you didn't ask for my help, but I volunteer!"

"Hey, Mirabel. The fence is not that long and also not that wide. Two people can paint it quite easily, especially when one of those people is me. Thank you for your volunteering, dearest cousin, but Y/N and I can take it from here." Camilo informed while slinging an arm around your shoulder, motioning a shoo with his other hand while he grins upon seeing the unamused expression his cousin has.

Approaching your form as you remained silent between the two, Mirabel easily let the pressure of his arm upon your figure be absent before she faces her cousin with a hand on her hips before stating what she seemed to be the obvious. "My primo Camilo, we both know that Y/N works much better along with me, plus, haven't you spent some time together yesterday? Where you had given me one of your chores as a distraction to not let me spend some time with Y/N?"

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