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Jisoo POV

I woke up from my comfy bed and looked at the alarm,it was 6.00 am. It was quite early. I got ready and checked my clock it was 7.00. I was in a hurry because we had many work today. I rushed to the door and called Yoongi oppa to pick Jin.


Me:Hello oppa?

Yg: Yes Jisoo

Me:Oppa can u pick up Jin?

Yg:Sure dear.

Me:bye oppa.



I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm rang. I frustratedly offed it and went to the washroom. I opened the door it was looked. I tried to open it twice and knocked it.

Me:Yah Jungkook-ah you in?

Kook:Hyung wait i need to complete my business.

Me:Kook faster... I need to go to office!!!

I yelled.

Kook:Hyung gimme a sec

He then came out grinning.

Me:Aishh get lost u idiot now i am going to be late and that devil is gonna kill me.

I quickly went inside and did my morning routine. I got dressed and toasted bread for breakfast. Kook has already left. I went down the appartment to see a car waiting. I went near it and its windows opened revealing a cat eyed man i saw before at the café.

Him:Hello! I am Min Yoongi. Jisoo's friend and Lee Jieun's boyfriend. Nice meeting u. Now get in the car u will be late.

Me:oh Hello!

I said and got inside the car. We drove to the company talking and we became close friends. We even shared numbers.

I ran inside the office seeing Jisoo already there. She was serious and looked mad. Omg she looks dangerous when she is mad and hot tho- wait what i am thinking?

I then went near her and sat on the chair cooly.

She stared at me just lifting her head a bit which made her look more hotter. I managed to speak.

Me:ahm... Good morning Ms.Jisoo i mean Babe.

I flirted with her.

Jisoo:Bring me a cup of coffee.

She said sharply rejecting my flirts.


Jisoo:I said bring me a cup of coffee now!

She demanded as i went to fetch her coffee. "Kim Seokjin from when did u start to obey people's words?"   I asked myself.


I bought her coffee. I was panting since the cafeteria was at the ground floor while her office was at 7th floor and the elevator didn't work!

I layed the mug on ger table and she said.

Jisoo:I don't wan't coffee bring me some fries.

I stood stunned there. What all my effert went in vain.

I shrugged it off and went to fetch her some fries. This all because of the fucking sum of money.

"Cone on Kim Seokjin, fighting"

I said to myself.


I kept the fries on her table panting. My white shirt that i wore inside the black suit went all wet revealing my body.

She suddenly got up from her chair and said.

Jisoo:I will use the washroom and come.

Me:What!! Aishhh.

I shouted as she went out with out minding me. I removed my court as it was so hot.

Now i am all soaked with sweat.

The door opened making my eyes widen........

It was Jisoo. I covered my exposed body with my hands. She covered her face.

Jisoo:ahmn can u grab me my phone its over the table.

Me: yeah.

My face went red

I grabbed her phone and walked slowly near her still covering my body. She stretched her arms to grab it still one of her hands covering her red face. We ended up making an awkward touch. And she grabbed her phone and went.

"What was that feel Kim Seokjin"  i asked myself and wore my court.


Guys i seriously wanna talk abt this.

This is Jisoo's post today and can u find anything. The last letter says Jin in korean and it is Jin's spelling too. Idk and i don't care whose name it is. But is it a clue about jinsoo?

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