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Time flies by now Kim Jisoo the CEO of Kim Corporation is sitting at a meeting and her Boyfriend aka Kim Seokjin sitting opposite of her.

All the board members eyes were at the presentation while Jin's was at her. Her beauty and visuals seemed to increase day by day. Jisoo slightly turns towards Jin and catch him staring.

Jin immediately turns towards the presentation with a tint of pink all over his cheek. Jisoo giggled at his cuteness and turned back to the presentation.

The meeting came to an end and all the board members left. Jisoo and Jin were left alone. Jisoo started walking towards Jin,making his heart flutter.

He looked at her eyes which showed her emotions than her words.

Jin and jisoo spent their life merrily all these months yet Jin didn't want to work under Jisoo. He wanted to stand on his own leg. He wanted to look after jisoo unlike she look after him now. He wanted her to be treated like a queen. He wanted to serve her,love her, admire her and respect her.

Jisoo looked into his eyes seeing deep into it she finds he was not okay. "Are u okay?" she asked his, her voice was full of concern. Jin didn't say anything.

He was confused what to tell her. The good or bad new? Either Is he gonna tell her that he has got the job that Yoongi and he had applied secretly or that he will be going to the states for his job and miss his love for a year?

"Jin?" his name came from her mouth with concern. She stared deep into his eyes. "Jisoo... I.. Yoongi and me..." he shuttered. He didn't dare to look at her eyes, he didn't want to lose her. "Hmm?" Jisoo responded. "Yoongi and I had secretly...." her eyebrows frowned when he said the word secretly.

"Babe I got a Job at states-" he said in a breath but after hearing job she covered his mouth with her palm. Her eyes filled with tears. "Babe i want to stand on my own leg and look after u so i needed to do this, i needed to find a job, just give me 1 year of time then we can live a happy life" Jin said as he takes her soft palm from his lips  and pulling her closer.

Jisoo understands Jin's decision yet her heart doesn't want to leave him. She pulls herself out of his grip and goes out of the building to her home,without uttering a word. Jin stood there clueless.

Jin is sitting at the local bar with a half filled bottle of soju, Yoongi sitting opposite to him. Jin was drunk bud he was upset, his cheeks were red. "Yoongi-ah will she hate me?? Should i quite the job and stay with her?" he asks yoongi in a drunk voice. "Jin u have to go. This a big opportunity. Its just a year, u can convince jisoo."

Yoongi didn't have any intention of seperating the couple but he respected Jin's decision.

It was the day when Jin has to leave. Yes he choose to go to the states for a better future with his love. He called Jisoo many time yet he didn't get any responce. She was still angry at Jin.

He texted her, waiting for her reply


Jisoo pls answer
my call.
I am at the airport.
I am going to the states
today. Can u come over
here? I need to see u


Babe? Pls reply.
Ik ur angry but




"BOOM" the phone fell down. A guy dashed Jin that his phone fell off his hands.

Jisoo POV

I got message from Jin and i came to know that he is leaving Korea today. Tears filled my eyes.


Babe? Pls reply
Ik ur angry but

I love u too...
Idk what to do
I understand u but
still i don't want to let
u go... I love u... Lets
meet after a year..
Love u jin... I will be waiting
for u...
-With love ur love sooya.....

-Not sent-


Hlo! Guess who is back with the imagination! Its me Ash!!! Hope u guys like reading the Ceo's Boyfriend for a month after a long time. More twists are waiting for u readers. Stay tuned....♡! Enjoy!
-Ash 🤓

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