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Walking into the shop, only a few days later, the prettiest shop with the prettiest boy. The smell of fresh flowers hits my nose and makes me smile. I can already see his own gracing his lips. Pink pouty lips. Made to be on mine.

The jingle of the bell, a reminder that I'm not dreaming this time. Looking up ready for the 'good morning' and perfect eyes looking my way. He's talking to someone else, a man who looks to be the same size as me. Smiling as they speak. I bump into the display to make a noise, they both peer over to look at me.

"Harry, morning" I can see his smile but his eyes flicker between us both. I thought he would've known he was mine. I smile at him, eyes not changing. I watch as he accepts the money from the man, smiles at him. Not like he smiles my way. A different smile. One of kindness. Not love.

As the man walks back towards the door. Past me, I see his face. I see him covered in blood no life left in his eyes, staring my way. I politely nod my head towards him before strolling up to the angel himself. His eyes bright and matching the dress he's wearing, pale blue covered in small white roses. His hands working on another bunch of flowers, nails painted pink, matching the small hair clip that holds his fringe out of his eyes.

"Hi Louis" watching him lift his head up to meet my eyes with his own makes me feel worthy of something. He looked at me with a smile, with emotion filling his being. God he makes me happy. I cant help but smile at his pretty face. His lovely angelic being.

I can see his eyes flutter down to my chest, he scrunches up his forehead. "you okay?" Lifting a finger to point down at me. A drop of blood, a red stain left on the collar of my shirt. "All fine yeah" ignore it Harry. Pretend it's not there.

'Watch out now, I can't cover for you any longer than I must.'

"You look pretty" distract, honest distraction but anything works. "Blue always looks so good on you" I see him blush at my words, a small 'thank you' leaves his soft looking lips. How I wish to taste them. The gloss on them probably tastes like strawberries.

"Since you weren't here yesterday, I made these for you." Turning around mid sentence to grab the vase filled with the brightest yellow flowers in the shop. Smiling softly as he hands them too me, suddenly all the regret I felt for not seeing his perfect face gone. That feeling of love filling my mind. My smile widens, I didn't have to force it to happen. I can have him so close to me, just take one more step-

"Darling did you forget I was coming back today?" Excuse me?

His small body runs past me, can't bear turning around but slowly I bring myself too. An older man, squeezing him so tight. The urge to rip his hand off of my angels perfect body. Looking up, his daring blue eyes meet mine.

"Sorry dad, missed you" the words he spoke don't focus in my head. His dad lives here. His dad loves him but left him? How stupid could someone be? Leaving someone as beautiful as him alone.

Grabbing the flowers and throwing the money on the counter, I can feel the stems breaking beneath my finger tips. Need to leave, I need to be the only one touching him.

"Hey-" his hand on my arm. "I'll see you tomorrow right?" I would rather die than spend another day without seeing you.

"see you tomorrow, yes." I manage a smile, my eyes lift to meet his fathers, the deadly glare he gives me doesn't match the one I can show him.

Home, a place that exists in the daydreams everyone creates. I've never had a home, never been to a place or known a person so willing to keep me safe. I walk through the door, of the house I live. Haven't watered my plants since meeting the most beautiful boy who have ever lived. Expect the ones he's made me, the flowers he has touched grow vibrant and pretty, sitting on the windowsill and the table.

Blissful pleasure // Larry stylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now