Prologue + Chapter 1

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I feel Megan's hand grab a handful of my hair and force my head into the brick wall.
My anger swells up. I can't hold it down any longer. My hands clench to fists. My eyes morf to bright fire red.
I turn and pelt my fist repeatedly into her face. I put everything into an extreme uppercut that snaps her neck upwards.
Ryan grabs the back of my shirt and starts pulling me along, away from the crowd.
"That's it. We're leaving this place."

Chapter one.
I keep repeating the enchantment inside of my head. Over and over again. Ready to do it for real. Ryan, my big brother, is so not going to like this but fuck it. He's already controlling most of my life do I should get a say in this.
I make my bottom lip numb and wait for the person to piece my skin.
"Ready?" She asks.
I smile and nod.
The two needles go through my skin and in less than a second she's done.
Two snake bites, that I've always wanted, are finally done. That's one thing more ticked off my bucket list. I've picked the shiny blue spikes.
"Thanks." I smile at the tattooed lady sitting beside me.
"No problem. Come back if you want more."
"Oh I will."
I flick back my black side fringe and walk out of the piecing shop. I'm loving it already.
According to society I'm emo. Good on them. Because that's who I want to be.
My name is Jamie. My type of music is something that definitely not everyone likes. Black Veil Brides, Bring Me The Horizon, Suicide Silence, Woe, Is Me, falling in reverse. All of them.
My dressing style would most likely be black, and blue, maybe bits of other colours.
My hair is black with a thick side fringe that has the bottom half bright blue and the bottom half of the rest of my hair blue as well. My makeup is always dark and basically from explaining all that, you might get the point.
I can't stop fiddling with my snake bites as I make my way out of the shopping centre to my BMX bike waiting outside.
I shift my bag to a more comfortable place on my back and start riding home. I'm the rebel of the family, apparently.
I speed my bike back home as fast as I can. I had to skip last period to get my snakes and dad said if I don't get home my 3:30 that I'm in the shit. School finishes at 2:30 so it gives me an hour to go to the skatepark and do my thing because he knows I like it there. But it's taken me a good twenty minutes to ride here, ten to bribe someone to be my 'parental guardian', then about five to get them done.
I see my older brother, Ryan, walking along with his ear phones in. Shit.
I round around some houses and make my way behind him before he can see me. I slow down and casually peddle until I reach him. Ryan pulls one of his earphones out.
"What's up? You want a dinky?" I offer.
He smiles and stands on my back pegs. I push all my strength into my legs to give us the fist boost. "Damn you're heavy." I laugh but it gets easer.
A couple of years ago Ryan took up weights so he's got a pretty good build.
I'm really surprised he hasn't noticed my-
"Wait. Stop." Ryan jumps off the back as I brake. He takes a second look at my face and glares at me. "They better be fucking fake."
I spoke too soon. "Pfft. What if they weren't?"
"You know dads going to go nuts right? He thinks it's bad enough you have your hair like that, now the snake bites? I mean, I bloody love them, but what's he going to say? What if he hits you?" Ryan looks at me testified.
When we were little dad went through a faze of physical abuse with us. That was until our alpha went off his head. The alpha likes me because his son and I are really close friends. Usually the alpha wouldn't interfere with parents bringing up their kids unless it had something pacifically to do with him.
He loves me like a daughter. I like him like a dad.
"And what happen last time he hit me, huh?" I ask.
Ryan scratches the back of his head. "Y-yeah but he's still our dad. We still have to do what he says. At least until we're eighteen."
"I know and this doesn't affect him in any way. It's on my face and the pack likes how I am. They don't care. In fact, they love it and so do I. I know you like it too. So why can't he?" I ask.
"Look. I'm sorry I'm just worried if he might do something again."
I give Ryan a reassuring smile. "Nothing will happen. I think the max he would do is yell at me for a while and ground me. He knows full well that the alpha likes me."
Ryan nods. "Yeah alright. I was thinking about dropping over there to say hi. You want to come?"
"Yeah alright. Hop on."
I ride us down the street and through the skatepark to the alphas house. Everyone in our pack knows where he lives. He's the alpha. Of cause we need to know if something happens and we need him for help.
I push my bike up his driveway and leave my bike on the front lawn. Meh.
Ryan nocks on the door once then walks right in. I go straight to the fridge and grab a can of jacks. What? It's not like you haven't had a little drink before, at least.
I crack it open and head to Marshal's room. He'd be home from school already and doing his usual weights. Now this little dude is addicted to making himself better than the rest with body image. He has a full on eight pack and buff as hell arms, including his massive shoulders.
And as expected, I see him doing chin-ups with sweat on his forehead.
"You don't need to get any bigger, you're massive as it is." I say and go sit on his bed. Marshal and I have been friends since we were little. Best mates.
"Hey. You're not supposed to be drinking that. It's for the party tomorrow."
"Oh boohoo. My lip is sore so I need it."
"Don't tell me." He finishes one last chin-up and comes over to sit next to me. "You actually got them, didn't you."
I smile evilly at Marshal. "Well I'm not one to fake it am I?"
He laughs and shakes his head. He reaches for my can and has a couple of sculls.
"Calm down. It's for the party remember?" I tease him. "Where's Big A?"
"I dunno. Somewhere."
We share the rest of the can and I look at his chest. Deep in thought. Actually...
"You know, your boobs are probably bigger than mine." I let out a chuckle.
"Just because you have Ds doesn't mean I do too." He huffs at me.
"And since when did you know my bra size?" Creepy much.
"Since we've been best mates forever. And I'm an expert. I know when someone is stuffing them and when someone isn't."
I bust out laughing. So does he at the memory.
A couple of months ago one of the biggest and most popular chicks that was pissing me off one day kept calling me fat, so I walked right up to her, stuck my hand in the front of her top and pulled out a handful of tissues from her bra. I said at least I have something to fill.
She's still one of the populars but doesn't mess with me anymore.
After a while we decide to jam for a bit. I grab the electric guitar and he gets the base. We manage to get to the shed and Big A goes on the drums. Tomorrow we're suppose to be the band for the night. I can't wait.
We start playing song from ACDC but we mix it up quite a bit.
I can't help but smile as we play along. We finish the song and I can't help but jump up and down. "That was epic!" I yell.
Big A laughs as well, he has a bit of sweat on his brow but wipes it off.
We rehearse for a bit then it starts to get a bit late. The one thing I do respect of dads rules is the time curfew.
"I gotta get going." I say and put my guitar down.
"Don't worry about it. I called your dad and let him know your staying the night to help out in the morning with prep." Big A calls out to me.
"Awesome. Now-" I start to ask.
"What's for dinner?" Marshal and Big A say in sink, mimicking my voice.
I can't help to smile but try to act like I'm annoyed. It doesn't work. I always ask where the foods at.
"We're having carbonara!" Luna calls from the kitchen.
"Luna!" I yell. She's the best cook in the entire world!
I sprint out of the shed and into the kitchen, jumping at her for a hug.
"Hey. A little birdie in the living room told be you got piercings on your face. Let me see." She almost sounds a bit worried. Like something's going to happen. I dunno.
I step back and smile. Hinting that it's there.
"You know what? I think they actually suits you. I like the colour choice too."
I smile wider at her approval. Usually I wouldn't care if someone didn't like what I had but when it comes to Luna I have to care at least a bit. She's so nice and caring, you just have to love her.
I help her make dinner and practically demand that we put heaps of bacon in. Bacon is love, Bacon is life.
Big A, Luna, Ryan, Marshal and I sit at the big table and eat together. No one speaks. The food is that good.
At the end, we finish around the same time and sit back in our chairs. I'm the first one to speak.
"Is there anymore?" I ask
Everybody gives a small laugh, including me. We clean up and go our separate ways. I go with Marshal to his room, Big A and Luna do their thing, and Ryan decides he wants to go home.
"Marshal." I whine, dragging out the 'r' and second 'a'.
"What?" He mimic's back to me.
"Gimme a shirt and shorts?" I ask. I don't want to sleep in my school clothes.
He groans at me that he has to get up from his comfy bed and goes over to his draws.
He throws me a billabong shirt and a pair of adventure time boxers.
I shove a pillow on Marshals face when he lays down and change. I pull my hair up and tie it with a spare lackey I keep on my wrist.

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