Chapter 9

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Jamie's POV
My eyes slowly peel themselves apart as I start to wake up.
Marshal is still clinging to me, this time with his legs wrapped around me too. The cheeky bastard even has his face buried in my chest, with a soft smile on his lips.
Hearing a soft knock on the door I look towards it and see Luna. She looks so happy.
"Coffee?" She mouths to me.
I give her a soft nod.
Marshal shifts in his sleep, somehow digging his face deeper and bringing his arms up, hooking them under my shoulders and holding me in place.
"I have a feeling you're just seeing what you can get away with." I mutter to myself.

Soon enough, Luna comes through the door with two cups of coffee, and a bickie. She sits herself in a chair in the corner of the room.

#so I was thinking of when their old enough so we can tell if it's a girl or a boy-#
#boys. Both boys# I tell her.
I can tell. Every since I was little I could always tell when someone or something was pregnant, boys or girls, or if they were going to die. A sort of gift.
"You awake baby?" I hear the most beautifully gorgeous morning voice. Oh my lawd.
"Mhm. Good sleep?"
He smirks slightly with his eyes still closed. "The best."
The first night that mates stay together, not sleep together if u know what I mean, but spend the night together, is told to be the first best sleep of all time. Like you wake up for what feels like the ultimate best dream, just enough sleep, and just utter perfection for a morning.
"Wanna make a bet on Luna's baby?" I suggest.
He scoffs. "Alright then. I bet my bass it's two girls."
"Mm. I bet my electric its both boys."
He looks up at me with tired eyes. "You must be pretty sure."
"Well I have some coffee, " Marshal shits bricks as he looks over to Luna. "Here you are, Jamie."
I reach over, grab it and sit up against the bed frame.
"Muuuuuummmm." Marshal groans and flips over to his stomach. "Shouldn't you be with dad or getting stuff for the girls."
"Are u very sure that they are girls?" Luna smiles at him.
Marshal nods, then flips the blanket up to get out of bed. I follow along.

Luna and I look through magazines and websites on my laptop for furniture for the kids. The thing with wolf pregnancies, they only last three months. So by the time a human would only be half big, even with twins, Luna will be massive.
Marshal tries to stay with us, but Luna shoo's him off to do something with the boys. Soon Luna and I get bored so we start baking anything and everything we can think of. Apple pie, brownies, cookies, cake, pasties.
And as if on time, we set everything out on the kitchen bench as all the boys come back inside, covered in mud, from a game of footie (Australian footie).
Jackson, the guy who always eats everything old before anyone else can get to it, is the first one to bolt through to the kitchen.
"Umm. Luna, you know how you love me and you know a big boy like me needs energy after playing a game....."
"Fuck off, Jackson." Leroy laughs at him and sits at the dining table. "Sit and wait, if they want to feed us, they are very much welcome to. But hey made it all, you know how hard it is to even make a decent cake?"
Everyone quickly decides to sit themselves at the table, including Jackson and Marshal.
I give Luna a smirk, she replies it. "Hmm. Well I dunno." I tell them, they expression completely changes. "We've worked pretty hard on this, and I bet by the time each and every one of you take a piece, we won't be able to have some for ourselves."
Marshal's hand shoots up in the air. "I'll share with you, as long as it means I can have some."
"What about me? I've gotta eat for three." Luna raises an eyebrow at them all. No one wants to volunteer to share.
"I will, Luna." Jackson raises his hand.
Well shit. That's something you don't see everyday.
"Thank you, Jackson. But I'm sure there's enough for everyone."
Luna and I end up serving all the boys what they want, and us being left to have some too. We did make heaps of food.
I sit back and look at all the dishes. Oh my lawd.
"Bags not doing the dishes." I call out.
"Bags!" Marshal shouts next.
"Bags!" Luna goes.
It echoes until there's two people left. Leroy and Jackson.
I shrug it off then walk out towards my shed. Marshal follows me and we practice for a while. Playing each song we can think of.

I start to open my eyes. Monday. School. Bloody great.
"I don't wanna go." I complain as I start to get out of bed. Marshal slept in his own room last night, Big A made him because we have school.
"Well you have to, bub." Ryan pulls a shirt over his head and dumps my clothes beside me. He's use to getting my stuff out, because if he doesn't, I won't either.
Grumbling and wining, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen where Marshal and a few others are waiting. Marshal raises an eyebrow at me.
I scrawl at the floor and trudge over to the fridge. Taking a mouthful of Luna and Big A's special coffee, I sit on the floor in front of the fridge.
This whole school uniform is shit. I did do it up my way the first time I wore it but I still don't like it.

"Why don't you put some clothes in your bag for this avo and we can all go to the skate park?" Marshal suggests.

"But we still have to get back here for the bikes and boards." I point out.

"True story." Jackson puts in.

"I have a gym bag big enough for five boards, but I'd most likely loose it in the day." Leroy leans on the bench.

"I can carry it." I volunteer. "As long as my boards in there too."

"What about the bikes?" Marshal looks between us all.

I stand up. "You guys can race home and meet us there."
We tell the others who want to come and if they want their boards, to put them together in a gym bag for me to carry. Turns out it's only two so Marshal will take one.

Same as last time, everyone goes into the two vans. I end up getting separated by Marshal in the process so throughout the whole ride, he texts me.

After a long day of people giving me glares, asking what's in the bag, and whispers being heard of why would Marshal go for me. Humans.
And finally last class. Sport. Some people are either very into it, and others who really hate it. I just try to get it over and done with.
"Run the school oval twice for warm up then back here for basketball." The teacher blows her whistle and everyone drops their bags to go.
I put my stuff near a tree and set off. I don't bother holding back from humans.
Going at a normal pace, I pass the first main group, the draggers, then up to the first few, the school athletes. Pfft. This is when I pick up my pace a little.
The first guy sees me coming and picks up his pace to a full sprint. I laugh in my head and pass him with no effort what so ever.
Of cause, I'm the first person back. I'm not tired out at all but for protections sake, I pretend to breathe heavily.

Then I see someone.

Oh shit. No way.

It can't be...

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 29, 2015 ⏰

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