Chapter 3

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Marshals P.O.V;
"Marshal we need to talk for a second." Mum, otherwise known as Luna, sticks her head in through the shed door.
This can't be good. I groan but stand and walk after her. Well more like stumble.
As soon as we're near the house mum turns around and looks at me with something weird in her eyes. Mm. I'm really not liking this.
"Look, you already know I can automatically tell who's mate is who, sometimes before they know and I know you know that Jamie is your mate-"
"Wait what?! But-"
Before I can say anything else she slaps her hand over my mouth. "You two are mates. There no use denying it. I know that you love her. And not like a sisterly way you think."
I step away, leafing my hands behind my head and start to breathe deadly. How does she know about that? If she knows then please, for the love of god, don't let Jamie know. She can't. It would ruin everything.
"I think she's starting to realise. Just wait. I'll let you know ok? Just act like you usually do and don't even hint to her that you two are mates."
I nod and close my eyes.
"Are you bloody kidding me?! We're mates!!"
I spin around and see Jamie looking completely and utterly shocked. Even a little fearful. I don't want her to be scared of me. I don't want her to be scared of something I really want to happen.
I swallow what feels like a lump in my throat and nod. "I'm going for a run."
"Yeah. I'm coming." Jamie flicks her wrists.
We end up leaving mum and start off towards the town woods. No one goes in here except for a few hunters and our pack when we need a 'run'.
I strip my shirt and pants, leaving me in boxers. I change into my wolf form first and look away from Jamie so she can do the same.
The thing is with changing, you imaging trying to fit into your baby clothes. They would rip. The same thing happens with us.
Big ass wolf. Human. There's a difference.
We scamper around for a while when we both hear a crunching of a rabbit or maybe something else, but I know I want to go for it. Jamie motions her head towards the noise. Yes. She wants to go too.
We circle around and do our thing, ready to catch something for dinner.
*(A few hours later)*
I happily trot along side Jamie with three rabbits hanging from my mouth. She carries another two. Man that was fun. I want to eat it now but I don't really like raw rabbit. It's better when mum cooks it up with whatever she does. I swear, everything that comes out of that kitchen with her is made from heaven.
As we reach the end of the Forrest I put the dead rabbits down near a tree and walk off to my clothes.
I run, flip off a tree and change as I land on my two human feet. I know exactly what Jamie would say right now, 'show off'.
Putting my clothes back on, I head back to the rabbits and find Jamie there, already waiting. I don't know how, but she's always been fast with getting ready, most females usually take a long time but this one see,s to have her mind set.
"Come on. Your place or mine?" I ask casually.
"Yours. Luna cooks better than dad or Ryan."
"We could always cook it on the barbecue."
I raise my eyebrows at her. She does it back.
"I can't be bothered and you can't cook for shit." She starts laughing. I love her laugh.
"Hey." I act hurt and put my hand over my heart. "I'm not that bad."
"You burn toast. Every single time you make it. And last time you tried to put popcorn in the microwave, you almost blew it up." Jamie puts her hands on her hips.
I roll my eyes and pick up the rabbit. "It was one time."
We laugh and joke with each other as we walk past her house, grab some clothes for school, and off to mine.
Jamie puts a rabbit in the sink and I put the rest in. Mum is in the back yard but I don't know where dad is. He must be sorting out one of the boys.
(Sorry, time skip)
I sit back in the lounge chair and watch as Jamie clutches onto my shirt. We're watching the scariest paranormal movie you could imagine. But soon enough I find myself huddling down and clutching Jamie as well.
"What are you doing? Don't go in there you idiot." I whisper.
By the end of the movie, Jamie and I keep thinking the coffee table is moving. Dad can't stop laughing at us and Jamie looks like she's about to go off her face.
"Let's watch something funny." I suggest. "Maybe Care Bears, or my little pony."
"Grown ups two." Jamie hops off the couch and goes to the movie cabinet.
I just can not help myself, as she bends down, I take a very quick glance at her ass then jump up. Don't judge me. I really can't help myself. She's just so perfect and she doesn't even know it.
I make my legs walk to the kitchen and look for some more food. I dig around and find the thing that Jamie could not live without. She'll love me when I give this to her. Maybe I'll even get a kiss on the cheek. I hope.
Going back, I sit on the couch and tuck her treat under my shirt. The starting credits come up as she takes her place next to me.
"Hey, Jamie?" I want to tease her.
"Hmm?" She looks up at me with her bright blue eyes. Calm down!
"Am I you most best friend in the world?"
She looks at me funny, glances down and sees the bulge in my shirt. Her eyes widen and a smile plasters itself on her face from ear to ear.
"Yes." She answers.
"Do you love me more than Ryan?"
"Do you love me more than your snake bites."
She thinks for a minute then answers. "Yes."
Now I ask a really stupid question. "Do you love me more than your music?"
Jamie looks at me like 'really, dude. Really?'. I can't help but laugh as I pull the packet out.
"Tim Tams!!" She squeals. She never squeals but when it comes to food and music she does.
She practically snatches the packet out of my hands before I can have a chance to open it.
"Jesus woman." I nudge her shoulder with mine and watch her face for any reaction. She's just smiling. It's still better than nothing.
We, or mostly her, eat the entire packet while watching the movie but as soon as it finishes mum comes in and tells us to go to bed. I whine but get up and head to my room for a quick work out.
The reason why I'm always doing it is because of Jamie. When we were ten or twelve she and I were randomly talking about what our boyfriend or girlfriends would have to have when we were older. I described her. Beautiful blue eyes, definitely a booty, and that she didn't care what others think of her.
Jamie said he had to have abs. Must have it. And long hair that he can flick to the side. So I got into lifting and working out more. My hair I didn't grow it too long because it doesn't look very good on me.
By the time I finish in the shower, walking into my room I see her fast asleep in the corner of my bed, she's always had a habit of pushing herself in the corner.
I strip my shirt and climb into bed next to her. I push my hand under Jamie's arm and wrap it around her waist, resting on her stomach.
"Night teddy." My new nickname for her. My beautiful little teddy.

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