Chapter 5

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Ryan's P.O.V (oooo. Ryan's in on dis)
I sit on the couch with my head in my hands. Trying to figure out a way to tell her why we have to leave. Why the whole pack is being moved to the top of the world.
She's always wanted to go there, maybe she'll like it? She hates school here so she might like a new start. Alpha, Luna and dad tried to make someone else do it then someone had the bright idea for me to tell her.
That the whole pack is being transported to Scotland because it isn't safe for us anymore. Not here. Scotland is the safest place for mythical creatures. The vampires tend to stay around the London area because it's supposed to be a darker place. The fairies and sirens tend to like Scotland more.
She's always wanted to see a siren. And she's only seen one fairy her whole life. Maybe she'll like it. I just don't know how to tell her.
Maybe I can convince Marshal to do it.

Jamie's P.O.V
My eyes start to naturally open up. Man that was a great sleep. One of the best I've had. You know that one nights rest that you wake up from and feel like, fuck that was good. Yeah.
I yawn and look around to see Marshal with his usual arm over me and cheek rested on my chest. He's like a big kid. Always hugging me or laying on me when I wake up. I guess that's why he calls me teddy. Aha. I arch my neck to try and see over his big head to the clock.
Eleven fucking twenty five!!!!
"Marshal! Wake up, it's eleven thirty!" I push myself up. "Big A's going to kill us!"
Marshal just groans and pulls me back down. "No school today. Moving to Scotland. Not safe here anymore."
Moving to Scotland? What does he mean moving to Scotland? Not safe here?
"Wait what? What do you mean it's not safe here?" I ask him.
"Just not safe. Whole pack moving. Shh. Sleepy time." He raises his hand up to my mouth and puts his finger on it.

***flash back*****
"Yeah. I slept with him. So what?" Bella smirks.
"You serious? How many this week?" I put my head in my hands.
"About five. Who cares anyway."
"Well the fact that you do this and cry over people calling you the school slut. You say you were drunk but both you and I know you weren't."
"So what? At least I get a good time and aren't a Virgin. Unlike you."
I throw my hands in the air. "You know what? Fuck it. Fuck you. I've tried caring about you but you just go and do this every time! I've tried so hard to stick with you and support you but I can't do his anymore."
"Pfft. Fine then. I bet I'll even get with Marshall. I've heard he wants me bad."
***end flashback***

I can't help but growl. Bella used to be such a good person until she met one guy and everything went down hill. Joshua. When they broke up he and his parents moved to some other country. I can't remember what one. It better not be Scotland.
I struggle for a while but Marshal won't let go of me so I eventually give up and lay there. Marshal smiles and moves my body to his liking. He lays his head on my chest and wraps his arms around my waist. I run my fingers along his top bad and just rest for a while.
Until I really have to pee. Oh bloody god I have to pee.
"Beep beep Marshmallow." I tell him. He growls and pushes his face into my chest. Not wanting to move. "Come on. I've gotta pee. Plus it's lunch time."
He scrunched his face up and still hugs me tight. "Five more minutes."
"I really need to pee, Marshal. Come on or I'll do it on your bed."
"Fine. But you have to answer my question." He raises his head.
"What's nine plus ten?"
I roll my eyes. "Twenty one."
He lets me go and I practically sprint down the hall to the bathroom before I wet myself.

(I'm sorry I'm having extreme writers block so I have to skip to the plane to Scotland towards the end of the flight. Forgive me.)
"Ok then. Jamie, truth or dare?" One of my pack members, Dylan, asks me with a smirk.
"Truth." Everyone knows Dylan's dares are the worst, even I'm not game enough to do them. Maybe I might but I don't really know.
"Alrighty then. Tell us who's your mate."
My eyes automatically widen and the blood retracts from my face. Marshal beside me blushes and mumbles something about going to the bathroom before almost running down the isle.
Think, I have to think of an excuse. "Um. L-Luna said I can't tell."
They all groan, knowing I'm just going to keep to that story wether it's true or not. "Fine." Dylan rolls his eyes and sits back as Marshal sits back beside me.
"Did she tell you guys?" He asks shyly.
"Nah. Apparently Luna won't let her but I bet she just doesn't want to tell us."
Or maybe I'm shy for once in my life and don't want to say out loud that I might like my best friend more than he thinks I do. Even if we are mates like Luna says.
"Mhm. Apparently." He tries to cover up a kind of relief with a chuckle.
A bang of hurt surges through me. I knew he didn't like me that way but it still hurts.
Throughout the landing and retrieving our bags I just keep my head down and don't talk. Marshal tries to ask me questions but I just shrug or shake my head.
As we sit outside of the airport and wait for dad and Big A to get a big taxi I just keep to myself and fiddle with my fingers.
"Jamie." I glance up to see Marshal then quickly put my head back down. The fact that the whole mate thing is really making me like him more and more with the time we spend together. "Please tell me what's wrong. Did I say something? I know you usually would tell me off and we'd get it done with but why won't you tell me now?"
I shake my head and lean back on the wall. Marshal walks over to the rest of the pack and starts talking to them. I see a few other girls from our plane go over and start flirting with him.
I don't know why, because I never ever do this, but I feel my eyes start watering up as he flirts back. I put my head down and let my hair cover my face as a curtain and shove my, well Marshals, hat backwards on my head.
I try to forces to tears back inside my eyes and will them not to come out but one stupid drop slips out and makes its way down my cheek. I angrily brush it away as Big A calls us for the taxi.
I wait to see which one of the five cars Marshal gets on the quickly get on a different one. All I know is that everyone has pitched in for us all to stay on a farm. The whole pack. Apparently it has a mansion with heaps of rooms so two people can stay in one room so there's one extra room for weapons and things.
The whole two hour car ride I stay silent. Ryan is in the same car and always glances at me. I just lean my head on the window and watch as the country goes past.
Scotland is beautiful really but in this mood, I don't pay attention to it.
"You want to stay with me?" Ryan looks at me.
I just nod.
A few days past by and all I do is sit on my bed in mine and Ryan's room. My mind just keeps telling me that Marshal will never like me. He probably never did. I just get more and more depressed and sad each hour.
I don't move my my bed. I just lay there is complete silence. No music. No TV. Ryan makes me eat at least one meal a day. He wants me to talk to him but I don't say a word.
My mind just keeps saying things. He never liked you. Why are you still here? You don't deserve anyone. Why even bother?
The only words I say to Ryan, each day are, "Don't let anyone in." I don't want anyone to see me. They don't want to see me anyway. Who would?

It's the third week of being in Scotland and we're supposed to go to school today. I really don't want to but Luna has come in a couple of times and stayed with me, explaining what's going on in the house.
I'm getting dressed in the 'school uniform'. Luna got it for me a couple of days ago. A skirt has to be worn for the girls but Luna said they seemed to have done their own thing with it. That they're pretty free to wear what they want but it just has to be the school shirt and skirt.
I've definitely made me pen touches to it. The skirt I've made shorter because it went to my knees, Luna said the others did too, the shirt is a plain white shirt with a blue tie and school logo. I just did the shirt up, I can't have it too close to my neck because it makes me feel like I'm being choked, so I have it four buttons down and the tie loose. They're lucky I'm even wearing it. I wear my vans, my dark makeup as usual, new snake bites XD, and my hair down as usual.
I also have my rings and bracelets, BVB and PTV, all kinds. I make my earphones come around behind me and hang on my neck.
I grab my new school bag, and for the first time in three weeks, go down to the kitchen. I keep my head down as I pass the teens from our pack, including Marshal. He doesn't even notice me. Good.
I throw a couple of things in my bag for food then avoid the others as much as I can while waiting for someone to drive us.
Ryan sees me on the couch in a ball and comes to sit with me.
"Ready to do this?" He puts his arm over my shoulder.
I just sigh and shrug. I'm still not talking much. Only if I have to.
Feet thunder down the stairs and Big A appears with a set of car keys.
"Alright. Everyone in the van."
People heading outside and I only start following as Big A starts walking.
"Hello there. You want the front seat, Hun?" He asks with a bright smile.
I barely manage to lift the corner of my mouth with a nod.
Once again, I just keep my head down and walk out with him.
Something hard smashes into my and nocks me to the ground. I open my eyes and see a completely worried and glad Marshal.
"Where the fuck have you been? Why didn't Ryan tell me where you were? Why did you leave me for three weeks!?"
Guilt. All I feel is guilt. Now I've made things ten times as worse.
I just push him off me and stand without a word.
"Jamie." He looks at me with a shocked expression.
I swallow back tears again. These bloody tears. "You don't need me."
Getting into the front seat I put my earphones in quickly and try so hard not to pay attention to anyone or anything.
As we pull up into the school carpark Big A leads us all to the front office and we get everything sorted. Here goes the first day of school.

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