problems on the court

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You raised your hand to hit him but he grabs your arm in the air before you could.
Jeremy stands up
And says " let her arm go Av" in a pissed voice.

"Or what?"
Av said while smirking at him

"You don't want to know so let her arm go"
jeremy said while glaring at him and sounding confident

"Oh? But what if I want to know?"
Av said while smiling of excitement since he hasn't got in a fight in a long time

"That's enough! Av sit where I told you to sit!"
Mr. hacket said abiously sick of the bullshit

Av let go of my arm and sat on the desk behind mine I sat down and also did Jeremy but I knew having Av sit behind me won't be good at all.

during class Av wouldn't stop trhowing me letters of how he was gonna make my year a living hell.

Thankfully class ended jeremy went up to my desk and looked behind me and glared, he's abviously glaring at Av.

" Whats your next class" jeremy asked while checking on his own schedule

" I have music "

"Great that's right next to my next class want me to show you where it is?"

" please Ive been having a hard time looking for my classes"
I said so happy

thats when we heard a mumbe behind me say
" maybe thats because you're so stupid"

I look behind me and of course it was Av who said that

I got up from my seat and exit the class room with jeremy

"what't his problem?"
I said mad and annoyed

"why the hell won't he leave me alone!"
I kept speed walking not even know where I was going

That's when I
heard my name behind me
I turn around it was Jeremy
"You just passed your class" he said chuckling

"Oh right" I said as I walk back to go into my class I sat down on a chair just to see kk right next to me

"Oh we have the same class together!"
Kk said once she noticed me next to her
There was an empty seat on the other side of me I was kind of nervous of who would sit there that's when I saw someone I wish I never saw the one and only Av sat next to me

I tried to ignore it but he just won't leave me alone.

He would trip me every time I would walk pass him or throw wrapped papers at me

It was lunch once music class ended.  thank God I hated being in there with that idiot.

I walked to the blacktop instead of the Cafeteria since I wasn't hungry
Then I saw Jeremy and his friends playing basketball and to be honest he is good at playing it he kept making the shots and he would run pretty fast he's also good at blocking.
Then the dumbass of Av decides to interrupt the game with his friends

"Let's play basketball my group vs yours"
Av said looking confident of winning
Jeremy did a side smilling then looked at his bestfriend sumo laughing at how confident the other team is

"Okay get ready"
Said Daniel which is Av's bestfriend
They started the game and so far they were tie but then Daniel accidentally threw the basketball at sumo's face which made sumo mad and punched Daniel in the face and they started to fight that's when Jeremy jumped in to try to stop it but Av pushed him to a side
Trying to stop him from stopping the fight at that time Daniel was on the floor while sumo was on top of him punching him.
Av got sumo off Daniel by kicking him in the face. Jeremy saw and quickly ran at av at full speed and body slam Av to the floor that's when Av was on the floor getting punched by Jeremy

" touch my friend one more time I'll beat your ass till you can't get up!"
Jeremy yelled at Av while the school Staff are getting him off and
Other staff got Daniel off sumo

Av just got up and laughed as he clean the blood on his rip lip
" you punch like a bitch" Av said as he smiled at Jeremy.
Jeremy helped sumo stand up and walked away with a school staff taking them to the office and Av and Daniel getting taken away by other staff's members.

I was pretty shocked I've never seen a fight like that and I never though Jeremy was the type to fight but I like the fact that he defended his best friend.
Later that day I didn't see Jeremy nor Alex for the rest of the day.
I was on my last period 5 more minutes until class ends I was waiting frustrated wanting to see Jeremy and ask him if he's alright.

"RANGGGG" the bell rang every body packed their stuff in there backpacks got off their seat and walked out of class. Once I finished putting my books away I walked out of class and tried to look for Jeremy.
I was walking in the hallways near the Cafeteria until I heard a familiar voice I peeked into the Cafeteria door
And saw

Alex helping clean the Cafeteria
"Hahaha he probably has to clean the Cafeteria as his punishment" I thought to my self.

While walking back to keep looking for Jeremy I accidentally tripped  over a bucket that I didn't notice behind me which made a big echo in side the Cafeteria

"Who's there? " said Alex in a serious tone

I tried to get up quickly before he noticed me but it was to late

He walked to me while I was trying to get off the floor

"You're stalking me now loser?"
He said while raising an eyebrow

"Hah of course not! who would want to stalk you" I said with a disgusted face while scanning the Cafeteria which wass clean

"You seem to be doing a good job cleaning here" I looked at him surprised at how clean the Cafeteria was.

"Yeah I guess but what are you doing here?" He said looking at me confused

"I was..." I abviously didn't want to tell him I was looking for Jeremy cause that would be a little embarrassing so I had to make a quick lie

"Uhmm I was... I was looking for the.... bathroom! Yeah that's what I was looking for! The bathroom"

Av raised his eyebrow and looked around the Cafeteria confused "does this look like there would be a bathroom in?" He said looking at me as if he didn't believe me.

"Uhm no" I answered feeling stupid.

"Hah I new it!"

"Knew what?" I answered looking at him weirdly

"You do have a crush on me! That's why you're stalking me!" He said smirking and chuckling at me.  

"Aahahha stop kidding yourself " I said trying to hold in my laughter "you wish I had a crush on you"

Thank you for reading ❤️🤪🤪

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