Chapter 14

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Chapter 14.

August 1939
Amsterdam, Holland.

Ruth rushed up the stairs to the third floor where the flat that she and Susi lived in was situated.

Bursting through the door she called loudly, "I'm home. Where is everyone?"

"We're in the kitchen," Susi's voice replied. Ruth tossed aside her hat, slipped out of her heels and went into the tiny kitchen. There she found Susi sitting by the window. Erik sat by the door, paper and pencil in hand. He was making a pencil portrait of Susi.

"What is going on?" Ruth demanded as she took in the scene.

"He's made so many drawings and paintings of you, I only think it fair that he finally makes one of me. Considering all the work I went through to get him to stay here for another three weeks."

Erik laughed but said nothing as he focused on his work.

Ruth glanced down at his drawing then back at Susi. "Is this your way of demanding payment?"

"I suppose so, and let me tell you, it's darn cheap for getting the doctor at the hospital I work in to sign a false medical report saying Erik has pneumonia, is too sick to travel anywhere, and must be hospitalized for three weeks here in Amsterdam. One portrait can hardly be called payment."

Here Ruth had to let out a giggle as she took a seat. "But you all have to admit it is such a wonderful scheme I came up with, isn't it? We had to come up with some way to keep him here without losing his job!"

"The things you can come up with, Ruth," Erik chuckled from his corner. "Your imagination knows no  bounds. There is supper on the stove if you are hungry."

"I'll wait till you are done," Ruth replied. "We can eat together. I'll wash and change for now. How I love these nice long summer days. Erik, we really must go out for a walk after supper."

"I'll do anything you want, my love."

His words gave Ruth a dreamy smile. She jumped up from her seat and placing a quick kiss on his head ran off to change out of her work clothes.


Two weeks had flown by. It was Sunday and Ruth was dreading the coming Monday when she would have go back to that horrible office and sit there for eight hours typing all sorts of boring things.

"It is not my dream job," She complained as she and Erik walked home from the movies. "But it pays okay so I'll keep at it for now. It's not forever after all and I've put away quite a bit of money already."

"You're a real hero, Ruth," Erik praised her. "I don't think I know of anyone who would be so patient and constant and unwavering."

She looked up at him with loving eyes. "You make it easy, Erik."

The blood rushed to his face and she laughed. "It's so easy to make you blush. I don't think I'll ever get tired of doing it."

"Anything to make you happy."

They had arrived at the flat by now and were greeted by Susi.

"Erik, a telegram from Germany has come for you." She informed. "I've put it on the kitchen table."

Erik's face became serious as he hurried to collect the telegram. Ruth stood by the kitchen doorway, intently watching his body language as he read. His whole frame had become tense when Susi had mentioned the telegram was from Germany. Upon glancing at it he had relaxed a little. At last he looked up at her with thoughtful eyes.

"It's from Lisel, my grandma's caretaker," he informed. "She writes that Oma has taken a serious turn for the worse and asks me to come back as soon as possible."

"Do you want it leave right now?" Ruth asked in a small voice.

He shook his head. "There's no point. I'll take the midday train tomorrow. That
L way I can walk you to your job first."

Ruth tried to smile. At least she could keep him for one more night. Deep down inside she wished that this time his grandmother would just pass away this time.

"Ruth, how can you be so wicked!" She silently berated herself. "You can't wish such things. At least he was here for a little over two weeks. Be thankful for that.

Erik had noticed her downcast face. He walked over and took her in his arms. "Don't be sad. As soon as Oma starts to feel better I'll come over and spend a weekend with you. It's not going to be like this forever, Ruth, I promise."

Ruth nodded her head and burying her face in his chest tried to be brave and not to cry. He was right, this wouldn't last forever. Already they had made it so far. Once the obstacles were gone they would enjoy their life and remember all these hardships as the stepping stones to their happiness.

The next day he escorted her to the office, kissed her warmly, promised to write and left for the station. Ruth stood watching him until he was out of completely out of sight.

"Don't cry," she told herself. "It will be just a week or two till you see him again."

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