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"Hey, Rin-Rin!"

As I walked up to Y/n, I was greeted with her perfect smile. "Hey, Y/n."

She was beautiful- I mean she always is, but this time was different. She dressed up a bit just for me. She was wearing a f/c dress, tight at the top with a flowy skirt. She had some natural makeup on, her h/c hair done in her usual style- slightly neater than usual. Her e/c orbs glowing beautifully in the sunlight.

Absolutely gorgeous.

"You look handsome, Rin."

"Thanks. But you... you look perfect. Are you sure you wanna be going on a date with me?"

She giggled, her voice is light and pretty- it was a soothing sound, really. "Who else would I go out with? I like you. No one else could catch my attention like you do."

"I catch your attention?"

Y/n nodded. "Always have. Your hair just always looked so fluffy and I always looked over at it. I had been trying to gather the courage to talk to you about it, actually- I really wanted to touch and see if it really is fluffy. Can I?"

I nodded, bending so she had access to my hair. She immediately started running her fingers through my hair. She hummed in content.

"Is it soft and fluffy?" I had asked without moving my head.

"Even softer and fluffier than I could've ever imagined."

I moved my head so I could look her in the eyes, a smirk spreading on my lips. "You imagined feeling my hair?"

She nodded, being conpletely honest. "Yup!"

My smirk got bigger. "Ever think about touching anywhere else?"

She smacked my arm- not to where it would hurt. "This is only our first date! Don't be so inappropriate!"

"Does this mean there'll be more?" I raised my brows, my lips slowly forming a smile.

She nodded, her cheeks turning a medium shade of pink. "Of course.... I really like you after all.... And if you like me back, then m-maybe we could..."

"Wanna be my girlfriend?" I blurted it out.

She blinked a few times, her smile growing somehow bigger while her blush deepened. "I'd love to, Rin!"

Well... that escalated quickly. Where's the plot development? Nonexistent.

I smiled at her, reaching to grab her hand- something she allowed me to do as we entwined our fingers. "So what first?"

"Hmm... movie or food?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Not really, you?"

I shook my head. "I guess we can do the movie first."

She bounced a little. "Yay! Romance!"

I quirked a brow. "You like romance?"

"Nope! But it would set the mood, right?"

I chuckled at her goofy antics.

Man, how I miss her antics....

"Alright, whatever you want, Y/n."

She looked deep in thought before grinning ear-to-ear. "I want you, Rin."

My face felt like it was on fire- that statement definitely shouldn't be said that way to a hormonal teenage boy. "Y/n, you can just say something like that!"

She blinked, a confused smile on her face. "But I'm your girlfriend now. Isn't that ok?"

"Anyone could misinterpret it!"

"How would it be misinterpreted?"

I sighed, shaking my head slightly. "It could be taken in a... sexual context."

She gasped, covering her mouth with her available hand. "I didn't mean it like that...." She mumbled.

My lips curved into a smile. "I know you didn't, but I can't say my body understood."

"Huh?" She gave me a confused look before her gaze lowered. She let out another gasp. "Oh my... Rin... does it hurt? Should we do something about it?"

I felt it twitch from her words, causing me to wince slightly. "N-no. D-don't say that. Would you even be prepared for sex?"

Y/n shrugged. "I don't think I am. But if it's with you... I'm willing to try anything."

"Can I kiss you?"

She giggled. "Of course! But wait till we get to the theater. I wanna be comfy before my first kiss!"

"Your... first kiss?"

She nodded, averting my gaze with embarassment written all over her face. "I'm guessing you've already had yours, huh?"

I shook my head. "Never. I mean... we're only first years in middle school...."

{They are roughly 12 or 13 rn- just hitting puberty and all that shit.}

Her eyes widened. "R-really?"

I nodded. "I've never really cared much about it. And I guess... I'd rather have my first be you." I knew my face was red when I managed to get the words out.

A loving smile appeared on Y/n's face. "I want my first to be you as well, Rin."

With hands tightly holding each other, we made our way into the movie theater. We both realized we had the same taste in movies, so we decided to just watch a horror film.

As we sat down in our seats, Y/n turned to me and gave such an innocent smile. "Rin."

I hummed, meeting her beautiful e/c orbs. "Yeah?"

"Can we kiss now? Please?"

I blushed. 'She's so pure!'

I nodded, leaning in to kiss her. Our lips lightly touched, causing me to use my arms to pull her closer to me. Her lips felt so soft. The kiss waa perfect.

This is where I belong. Y/n is the only person I need.

Everything became so clear in that moment....

Like I understood everything.

"When did everything go wrong?"

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