Our Happiness

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"See ya, Suna!"

I waved to my team. "See ya."

And thus, I began my daily trek all the way to the hospital to see my beautiful sleeping angel. A large smile spread on my lips as I pictured her perfect face.

For some reason, I'm in a better mood than usual. Maybe it's cuz I finally told the guys everything.

Or... could something else be happening tonight?

As I got inside the hospital, I walked that all too familiar path to a room I've been in too many times to count. As I reached for the doorknob, I hesitated. Something felt off. But what?

I shrugged the feeling away and opened the door, making my way the chair beside the bed. I sat down like usual and smiled as I simply stared at Y/n's face.

That smile didn't stick for long.

There was a different vibe in the air. It felt tender than it usually did.

I looked over at my girlfriend in concern. "Did something happen here today, angel?"

That's when the most unusual thing happened.

"Dunno, Rin. But I heard a lot of voices that weren't yours. I think I even heard your mom yelling at some of the hospital staff."

I flinched and focuser my attention on her face. Her eyes slowly fluttered open and a weak smile formed on her lips once she turned to face me, seeing me for the first time in over a year.


Her smile spread a bit wider. "It's great to finally see you again, Rin."

A smile returned to my face, tears in my eyes. I quickly bent down and wrapped my arms around her. "I missed you so much angel!"

I felt her arms slowly wrap around me. "I missed you too Rin. It was nice being able to hear your voice every day though."

I squeezed her, quickly kissing her cheek before burying my face into the crook of her neck. "Never leave me like that again. It was so lonely without you."

"I'm sorry Rin." She rubbed my back as I sobbed.

It took me a few minutes, but I everntually stopped crying and sat back up.

She titled her head to one side, a questioning look on her face. "What's running through your head Rin?"

I beamer at her. "You'll never have to deal with your parents again."

Y/n's eyes widened. "What? What do you mean by that, Rin?"

"After I made sure you were safely in the hospital, I made a police report. You're parents were sentenced to life in prison."

She smiled brightly- a genuine one. "Really? That's amazing Rin! Thank you!" She hugged me tightly.

"You know I'd do anything for you, angel. I just want you to be happy."

Slowly, she pulled away, the smiling falling from her face. "But... where would I even live now- once I get out of the hospital?"

I cupped her cheek in my hand. "With me, of course. When that incident occurred, my mom and I talked everything out. She'd be more than ok with you living with us... if you want to, that is."

That beautiful smile of hers returned to her face, eyes closing from how big it is. "I'd love nothing more than to live with you, Rin."

"You'll always have a place with me, angel. Not even death can try taking you away from me. Never again."

And with that, I pulled her in for a long, slow, passionate kiss. A long awaited one at that.

This was it. The very thing that made us both happy- being able to have moments like this with each other.

After a long wait, we can finally have it again. It's all we could ever want- all we'd ever need.

And it's all ours.

Nothing will take it away again.

"I'm never letting you go, angel."

"I love you, Rin."

"I love you, angel."

End 😊

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