That House

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"This is your house, angel?"

"Unfortunately." She mumbled her reply.

The building before us was far smaller than my own home. The inside was a mess, all I could smell was alcohol and some other unpleasant scents.

As I scanned each area Y/n brought me into, I noticed bottles of booze and various drugs laying all over the house. The house was completely trashed and it was difficult to see the floor. Parts of the house even looked broken- it seemee as if the entire house was condmened and in desperate need of demolishing or repairs.

None of which seemed like it would be happening anytime soon.

It concerned me to see the amount of drugs and alcohol scattered around the house and my fears caused me to speak up.

"Do... do you drink or do drugs, angel?"

She whippee around to face me with a look mixed with shock and horror. "No way! I can't stand this stuff! It's all my parents, Rin."

I let out a breath of relief, reaching out and grasping her hand as gently as I could within my own. "That's somewhat of a relief. Are your parents home?"

Y/n tensed. "No. And that's the only reason I actually brought you here."

Upon closer inspection, I noticed some cuts and bruises on her body. "Angel.... Are your parents hurting you?"

She stopped in front of a door that she had been about to open, slowly turning her head to meet my concerned gaze. Her voice came out just slightly quieter than a whisper, but still audible to me. "Please don't let anyone else find out...."

I opened the door for her and led her inside the neatest room of the house- her room. I closed and locked the door before sitting with her on the bed, immediately pulling her against my chest. "It's ok, angel. No one but me will ever know about this. I promise."

"When I saw all this... I really wished I had called someone to help you, angel. But I didn't. And it was all because you begged me to keep it all between the two of us. Now I regret my choice and constantly fear you're gonna permanently leave me."

Y/n clutched tightly onto my shirt. "I'm so sorry for not letting you know about any of this sooner, Rin. I- I just didn't know how you'd react. I was worried you'd leave me once you found out...."

"I would never leave you for any reason, Y/n. I love you and always want to be by your side. Thank you for showing this to me. I'm glad I know your situation better. Now that I know... will you let me help you?"

She nodded, burying her face into my chest. "Please help me, Rin. They're scary people. They- they try killing me. They don't feed me and I hate being here. I'm always getting hit by things they throw at me. Please get me out of here, Rin."

I gently rubbed her back as she sobbed into my shirt. "Of course. I'll do whatever you want me to, angel. I know you're scared- this is a terrible situation that you shouldn't have to experience. You can come stay with me at my house whenever you want. Does that sound better to you?"

Slowly, Y/n raised her head so her eyes could meet mine. "I want to do that, Rin."

I smiled softly at the poor girl that was breaking down in my arms. "I'll protect you from now on. You'll never have anything to be afraid of anymore, angel."

I gently caressed her still face.

"I was such a naïve idiot, angel. How could you ever love someone that couldn't keep their promises? I was unable to protect you when you reached your breaking point. And I'm sorry for letting any harm come to you. When you come back, I promise to be better for you. Because that's what you deserve, angel. You deserve everything good, you deserve eternal love and protection. And I want to be the one to give all of that to you."

Next chapter:

Her Parents

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