Champions of the night

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[I suggest to start a "Slytherin playlist".
For exemple : on spotify
On youtube]

I quickly changed to a simple but pretty black silk dress and heels.

Melinda went to the youngest girls dormitories to check that they stay there willfully and calmly.
The headboy was doing the same for the boys.

When I went downstairs, the common room was transformed into a gloomy and glam nightclub.

"Are they all locked up ?" I smirked.

"Yeah no problem." The older classmates said.

Daphne came to us and showed the decor with her hands.

"So what do you think ?"

"Brilliant !" Said the headboy.

"I like it ! We should let this all the time." I said.

"Now, it just need your touch, Bella..."

It was planned that I made magical smoke because when others made the charm, it faded away after a moment if they didn't concentrate but my power was more... self-reliant.

I placed my hand towards the tiled floor and closed eyes.
Music started at the same moment, a dark and airy melody.
Making that shadow getting out of me was like spreading my aura, it felt relaxing, soothing.

Out of nowhere Draco whispered in my ear.
"I think that's fine."

I opened back my eyes.
The whole room was foggy.

Then, Slytherins were starting to gather there and to drink.
First guests came from Griffindor and Hufflepuff. I fund it cool to open our doors and have fun all together for once.

* Bellamy POV *

My mates and I walked back to the carriage to change into relaxed outfits.
I took a suit but didn't wear the jacket, girls had petite robes or skirts.

We didn't know what to expect from the 'bad-guys' of Hogwarts (we heard that from other students) but we knew it wouldn't be the same as Ravenclaw's soirée dançante*.
(*dancing/musical evening)

As we didn't know where their district was, Isabella came to meet us at the castle's entrance.
We heard sound of heels coming from downstairs.
It was her, she appeared with a long silk black dress and I couldn't help to look at her from head to toe. She was pretty before but now I realised she was even sexy.

"Hey beauté ! You really hid your potential in France..." I complimented.

"Haha thanks ? Come on guys, we're going down to the dungeons."

"What ?! You kidding ?" Fleur startled.

"No, for real." Bella smiled. "Our housing is under the ground level, but you'll see, it's cozy."

Augustine was sceptical.

She whispered to Fleur : "Isn't it kind of bad treatment towards those students ?"

"I'm glad Gabrielle didn't come with us." She answered.

We followed to the door, our host told the password and repeated it.

"The code is Vindex Nocte. You'll need it if you go out and back."

"Champions of The Night or The Night of Champions ? Nice." I translated.

We stepped inside. There, we all stopped at the crazy view. I think we all imagined some kind of prison or cave. But it was a wide black and green room. All was blurred in soft fog.
There was very long windows where we could see under water of the lake, even though it was night, we could see alga and some glowing creatures in the dark. There was huge green velvet curtains on ceiling, calm green fire in chimneys, a DJ was playing wicked club music and a bar was installed on the opposite side, with many illuminated bottles. Kind of cozy, indeed.
Many teenagers were already drinking and moving on the dancefloor.
We were pleased by the glamorous atmosphere.

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