Chapter 2: Meet the Bad Guys

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Outside, the two legendary criminals strolled down
the sidewalk side by side. All around them, people
veered away and skittered away from the Bad Guys.
They were well-known, and highly feared. And wanted for so many things. Cars and trucks screeched to a halt, making it easy for the two to cross the street to the front doors of the Big Bank.

"Baby kittens, huh?" Wolf asked again. Seemed like
an odd choice for a favorite snack. Why pick a tiny
baby cat over a nice, sweet piece of birthday cake?

"The cuter they are the more sweeter they'll be."
Snake said, flicking his tongue.

"Yeah," Wolf said, shaking his head.

"But still sick and inhuman You know what I mean?" He said.

They entered inside the building.

"Don't mind us," Wolf said, flashing a charming
smile at one of the people they passed as they
strolled through the bank's massive front doors.

"Just robbin' this place." He said.

As soon as they were inside, Today, Wolf and Snake
shared an amused look, then grabbed the bank's
giant safe from behind the counter. In the next
second, they fled. Everything was going exactly
according to plan. The two friends exploded out the
side windows of he bank and tossed the giant safe
into the back of their Bad Guys' car.

 The two friends exploded out theside windows of he bank and tossed the giant safeinto the back of their Bad Guys' car

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Outside the Big Bank, the two friends admired the
posters hanging on the building's windows. There
were dozens of WANTED posters, all featuring Mr.
Wolf and Mr. Snake's mug shots. Wolf nodded
appreciatively. It feels so good to be known wolf said in pride. The car was Wolf's pride and joy, a gorgeous sports car fit for celebrities—celebrities like the Bad Guys! Plus it was stronger and faster thanks to the Double-Gear System that they stole from the Justice League Museum.

"Woo!" Wolf whooped as he enjoyed the thrill of
the hunt. sliding into the driver's seat. Snake slid into the passenger's seat beside him, the safe snuggled in right on Snake's lap.

"Yeah!" Wolf cheered.

"Hahaha!" Snake cheered.

They'd outsmarted the good guys, once again.

"Go bad."Wolf started, his smile spreading across
his face.

"Or go home," Snake finished.

Wolf pressed the gas pedal and floored it. Zipping
through the streets of Los Angeles, Wolf felt lighter
than air. While Snake worked on cracking the safe open, Wolf expertly guided the Bad Guy mobile through the streets.

"Hey, you, Yeah, you, Get over here. a little bit
closer. Oh I know what it is, you afraid? Because
I'm the, uh.. BIG BAD WOLF? Uhh Not surprised. I am the villain in every story. Isn't that right Mr. Snake?" Wolf asked.

"Yep." Snake chuckles.

"Say hello to Mr. Snake ''serpentine safe-cracking machine," Wolf mused, glancing over to watch his friend work.

The Bad Guys Justice League: Good to be BadWhere stories live. Discover now