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55 2 0

NOTES: more jjk boys cuz everyone from jjk is hot. completely rewrote this chapter because I hated it... Anyways, Megumi is reminiscing


WORD COUNT: 429 (rlly short cuz I'm tired)


Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK

Megumi's heart pounded in his chest, every breath he drew in was shaky and uneven. His head swam with alarm as his knees buckled. He collapsed to the floor in front of you, clothes soaked in the thick, deep red that seeped from your wound.

He should have been there.

He should have been faster.

He should have seen it coming.

You should be alive.

You promised.

You promised that you would be by his side forever. You promised that you would never leave. He had put up so many walls and you tore them all down, promising to rebuild together.

But now that couldn't happen.

How could that happen when he let you get hurt this way? When he mistakenly let down his guard? Had he paid more attention to his surroundings, this wouldn't have happened. You wouldn't be gone.

If you didn't love him, you would still be alive.

You, who loved the smell of rain on the concrete. You, who loved to watch the leaves fall from trees. You, who's eyes sparkled in interest when Megumi said anything. You, who was always reaching for Megumi's hand because yours were cold. You, who had kissed so tenderly. You, who had stolen his heart.

You, who had sacrificed yourself for him.

Megumi would never forgive himself. He would have much rather it been him than you. He would much rather face the cold eye of death and know that you are alive than live and know that you are no longer with him.

If he had just been more attentive...

He reached out, hands trembling with dirt and regret. He looked at your face through blurry eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks and mixing with the rain.

He let out a sob, his chest heaving with pain. Your body was so cold, so stiff. Not at all like when he used to hold you close to him.

When he used to hold you, you were warm with life. You were warm with love, and you were safe. Now, your corpse in his arms was just a rude reminder of what used to be.

Megumi would never forgive himself.

You were supposed to be with him forever.

~ End ~

A/N: haha I hate this chapter... I'm rlly rusty and it was rlly short, but hopefully I can get back of the flow of things n start writing again...

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