What a sight to see

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"Good Morning everyone, this is our client for today, Mr. Yang Jungwon."

"Welcome Mr. Yang."

"Good Morning."

"Alright, prepare everything we need for the photoshoot!"

Yang Jungwon, a famous model known for his handsome features. Just got a message from a company inviting him for a magazine cover. And here he is now, inside the dressing room getting ready for the shoot.

"Mr. Yang?" His manager, Kim Sunoo, knocked on his dressing room door.

"Here, is everything set?"

"Yes Mr. Yang. They're all waiting for you outside the studio."

"Alright, lead the way."


"Mr. Yang, this is our crew. They will help you how to pose for the magazine today-" before the manager could finish their sentence, Jungwon interrupted them.

"I can pose on my own. You should know that, right?"

"...of course, sir. This way please."

Jungwon was lead into ah room with many lights, a gray screen with a stool in front, and some staff to help.

"Tell me when we're starting." Jungwon took a sit on one of the chairs near entrance of the room. Jungwon was just scrolling through his phone when the door busted open.

"Sor... sorry I'm late! Traffic..." A rather looking handsome man barged in the room panting, probably because of all the running. "Mr. Park! You're late, again!" Park bowed and apologized to the manager, "Sorry sir." The manager made a tsk sound and proceed to prepare the cameras. "I have no time to lecture you, hurry up and get ready. We have a client for Pete's sake."

Jungwon was irritated on how the manager treated this Mr. Park guy. He did say he was late because of traffic, the manager had no reason to be angry at that little statement. Jungwon got cut off his thoughts when the Mr. Park lent his hand.

"You must be Mr. Yang. I'm Park Jongseong, but you can call me Jay. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is all mine. So you're the photographer?"

"Oh, I'm just a substitute... still got a lot to learn"


Both of them didn't noticed that both if their hands hadn't let go since the handshake, well only Jay. Jungwon noticed but he didn't say anything, he was busy thinking about something else.

The two of them got interrupted when the manager shouted, "Alright everyone, places! Let's get to work."


"Mr. Yang, could you sit on that stool for me? And do a pose like-" Jay said as he started setting up his camera. He got startled when the manager shouted at him, "Mr. Park! You don't just order Mr. Yang around, he's a professional model!" 

"Oh right... sorry Mr. Yang, you can pose however you like."

"No." Jay and the manager got startled by the way Jungwon talked.

"Tell me how I should pose, its for the magazine anyways so its fine." 

Jungwon left the manager dumbfounded, he told the manager earlier that he doesn't need somebody to boss him around on how to pose for a shoot. 

"Did you got that, Mr. Yang?"


"I'll just finish setting up my camera."

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