Jungwon was walking back towards his house feeling devastated from what he just witnessed. Many questions ran through his mind, why was Jay with that girl? Why didn't he bother telling him? Is he hiding something?
On the way back he saw the library that he and Jay would always stop by, because Jay knows how much Jungwon loves to read.
"Maybe reading a book would help ease my mind." Jungwon said as he entered the library.
Inside he saw the librarian, Mrs. Carrol, who's practically his Mom now. Considering the times he has been visiting here, which is a lot, the two of them basically knew each other.
"Morning, Mrs. C!" Jungwon said with a small smile on his face.
Mrs. Carrol was rearranging books when she heard someone called her name, she looked behind her and saw Jungwon. She immediately stopped what she was doing and walked over to him. "Wonie! I'm so happy you came! How have you been?" Jungwon chuckled when Mrs. Carrol hugged him and started patting his head. She was smaller than Jungwon so she had to bend down so she could hug him. This feels nice.
"Ah! Why are you all alone? Where's Seongie? Is he not with you?" Mrs. Carrol asked as she scanned the entrance, she looked around and didn't see Jay.
"He's not with me today." Jungwon said with a frown.
Mrs. Carrol looked at Jungwon with a worried expression, she cupped Jungwon's face and gently caressed his cheek. Jungwon looked at her with glassy eyes, she smiled at him with eyes full of love, and smiled at him as warm as the sun. "Do you want to talk about it, sweetheart? I'm all ears." A tear fell from Jungwon's eye and rolled down his cheek, he nodded as he sniffled. Mrs. Carrol giggled and led Jungwon somewhere to sit.
. . .
"I'm just confused why Jay didn't just tell me, instead I had to find out like this." Jungwon started telling Mrs. Carrol everything he saw at the park while drinking hot chocolate. He told her about Jay not replying, he told her about the girl Jay was talking and laughing with, he told her everything.
Mrs. Carrol listened carefully to what Jungwon was saying, she saw how Jungwon kept a straight face while sharing. His eyes were red from crying, as well as his nose. There were tear stains on his cheek and some tear marks on his clothes. But what Mrs. Carrol noticed more are Jungwon's eyes. His eyes hold so much emotion that it touched Mrs. Carrol's heart. Even though Jungwon felt hurt and betrayed from what he saw, his eyes still hold so much love despite what Jay did to him.
"But you love him."
Jungwon stopped shortly and looked at Mrs. Carrol.
Mrs. Carrol smiled as she drank her tea, she carefully placed it on the table and looked at Jungwon in the eye, "But you love him."
That left Jungwon speechless.
"Despite everything you just told me, you still love him nonetheless. Even if it hurts you."
"I don't know. I mean, I don't know what to feel because I'm feeling all sorts of emotions all at once and it's messing up with my brain, and-"
"But your eyes says otherwise."
Jungwon stopped and stared at Mrs Carrol with wide eyes, he saw how she was smiling at him. She knows what he's truly feeling. She puts her hand on top of Jungwon's and starts caressing them, gently rubbing her thumb over his. As if he was fragile, as if he was made of glass.
"Your eyes hold so much love for him that you're willing to get hurt if it means being with him. Because eyes never lie."
Jungwon couldn't say a word, because he knew she was right. Mrs. Carrol saw that Jungwon finally realized what he was feeling. "Am I wrong?"

Jaywon oneshots
FanfictionBored and got nothing to do? Tired with classes lately? Well how about you take a few minutes to rest... Take a break and read this little book I made! Do you like ENHYPEN? Do you STAN them? Do you like friendSHIPS like Jaywon? Then you can start by...