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Hello! i'm trying to post more often but rn i'm with my family and not at home so I havent had much time to write

Also thanks you for the 115 reads! it makes me happy that people enjoy this series of one shots just as much as me!

This is after Tommys death and while he was in limbo this is the same au as the last one shot so check it out if you like this one


Purpeled still couldn't believe that his platonic husband was now too far gone to ever be seen again. The worst part is that he couldn't get himself to tell shroud and Henry (AU he isn't dead). Shroud would be so devastated that his parents was gone. Purpled sat down and started picking flowers, "Alliums were always his favourite" purpled thought. He started making a flower crown out of the freshly picked flowers. She he finished he made his way to Tommys grave and laid it on the corner of the grave. The grave was full of alliums. Purpled assumed ranboo or niki brought them there.

"Its awful being here by a grave filled with flowers without the person the flowers are for."

He heard someone silently agree with him. It was niki with a cake.

"What do you need the cake for niki?"

"Today is shrouds birthday I was on my way to him"

"Oh yeah right he's at my house"


"Oh, Tommy hasn't told you?"

"Told me what?"

"I married him. Platonically of course but I still married him."

"Oh, now that you say it I think he mentioned marring someone to make tubbo jealous."

"Yeah he moved in with me a week before going to the prison..."

"That was nice of him"

„Yeah it was..."

„You know that you can always talk to me , right purpled?"


„I'm sorry I need to go can you give the cake to shroud?"

„Yeah I will do that"

3rd person:

Since Tommy's death the whole server was quiet nobody talked about Tommy and the eggpire was celebrating(until puffy nearly killed them bc of that)
You could even say it was peaceful
That's the thing everybody thought
Everybody except purples ofcourse he couldn't accept the fact that his husband and friend was gone.

Tommy and his friends being wholesomeWhere stories live. Discover now