{ Day 8 }

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Ever since that day, I nominated myself for an award. Like it was something to be really proud of. Avery gave birth to a boy and named him Chris. It was hard at first, we had to come over to her house to babysit the baby while she goes to tuition classes, I mean, that's what friends are for, right? Her dad didn't actually support keeping the child, but thank god he changed his mind and decided to raise him with love and care. But Avery did sacrifice something though, including her sleep, including her time, and she gave all she had to Chris. Even if it means, she had doubts about him. Because as a teen mom, when you're only 16 is actually really stressing. But she was always happy. 

" I really am grateful, I really am, thank you for taking care of him." Avery just wanted to express her gratitude to us. "Oh my god, we're all going to be Chris's nanny, I mean how many nannies does he have?' Amelia said jokingly. But here  is another thing that I'm worried about." At this point, Ava hasn't got any news, we just did a great job acting in front of her. Jessica did suggest we open up to her but I just don't want to see her reaction. "But she's gotta know no matter how..." Avery did point out the truth. When we did actually tell her, her reaction was rather calm, but still had weird nightmares about things and sometimes when she has good dreams, we actually listen to what she is about to say. "Guys! I had this amazing dream, where we all go to this place, I think it's an island!' Ava exclaimed in excitement. "Nah, I'm broke," Aubrey stated what she wanted to say exactly. "What she meant?' Avery was completed clueless still, she was holding Chris in her arms and feeding her milk. " She wants to go on a vacation with us..." Aubrey spoked. "Bitch! that's actually a good idea! Like C'mon think about it, like a group of girlfriends just swimming under the sun!" Amelia actually likes the idea, she loves traveling, especially with her best friends. "Do you know what's even better? I dream like there's like an art class taught by an art professor from Chicago, that'll to tally be worth going." Ava jumped around while Amelia joined her. "Ok, let me get this straight, you randomly dream about us on a vacation, a random professor from Chicago or whatever, and just plan to go when you don't even know it's there?' Jessica had a pencil at the back of her ear, and her sketchbook in her left hand and that made her look 10 times cooler when she said that. "She's right.." I nod my head in agreement. 

Amelia slowly regains her "serious' expression but I can tell she was disappointed. But she didn't want to give up. "What the heck? Hey guys, I think I build this godamn island! It has my name on it! Amelia island... See?' Amelia waved her phone high up in the air when she notice she was overexcited when Chris started crying. "Shhh, it's okay mommy is here.." Avery comforted him and he stopped crying in a heartbeat. "Wow, you got talent.." Well, I'm saying this because I don't know about you, but your mom probably would hate you for crying in the middle of the night when you are an infant. "But... it's in Florida..." Jessica acting smart again. "Then just sit on my private jet, I mean my mom's private jet...'Our mouths just dropped open when Ava invited us to ride on her mom's private jet for free? "Are you sure? ' WE all said it after I said it. "Do you think you're mom's cool with it?' Aubrey asked. Ava paused for a second as she gulps. "I'll ask her." 'DING' her phone popped up a notification. " Oh shit, I gotta run... my driver is here...Bye!' Ava dashed out of the room and slammed the car door shut.

She seemed calm, but she was actually screaming inside. "Hey, mom..." And if I could show you her house is like the real "BEAUTY AND THE BEAST CASTLE'. It has fine paintings, and the drawings on the ceiling were so realistic that sometimes you'll think they are moving. Her mother walked down the stairs looking like she cost a million dollars. She wore a diamond ring, with a Chanel necklace, and a dress that felt like she was an empress or something. "Your language, young lady..." she pointed her finger at Avery. " Good evening, mother.' she said in a whisper. "Much better...' she showed a satisfied smile. 'Take a seat.." she spoke as she gestured for her to sit down. "Mom, I actually have a request..." Ava said in a quiet voice. "Oh? What is it? Sweetie?' " Well, we were planning this trip...to Florida...and I was thinking if we can use your private jet for a ride?'Avery tried to use her most "Royal voice". "Hmm...for you, I think I can consider bot as for your friends they might need to get their own." Ava didn't like the answer at all, but she did however found a way to charm her. "Maybe...if I recite the poem of 'Romeo and Juliet' and dance that waltz you taught me, can you maybe allow the on the jet and pay for their tickets?' she squeaked. "How daring of you to say...I admire your courage..." she smirked. "Deal, but if you mess up...even the slightest of movements, you'll be out of my house for a week and no field trip for you and those little friends of yours. Am I clear?' she settled down her wine glass. "Yes, mother... understood..." she slowly drank her cocktail and heaved a sigh.

You see, even before her parents, the Juliet family owns several companies, so they're rich like from the start. The fact that Ava didn't like any bit of it, despite the expensive food or a million dollar dresses or even like luxury cars...she would trade all of that for a simple life. Because....it's actually a lot of work to keep up the 'rich etiquette'. Ava took dance classes when she was just 5 years old , learn french when she was 6 , and learned basic etiquette from her grandma as young as 7.

So it's actually really difficult to please the riches, especially her mom. Her name is Jennifer Juliet by the way. And because of that little trip we planned, Ava actually practiced the dance for hours , reciting Romeo and Juliet for about a thousand times. But all she wished was her dad was here, but instead he was on a business trip . Because if he was here, she could just get the trip tickets and the seats in the private jet in a heartbeat. "That's absolutely ridiculous" Aubrey plays with her hair and makes a face. "I mean.... that's the prize you'll have to pay" Jessica continues sketching. "I was thinking if you could just phone you dad...." Amelia suggested. Avery continued taking care of Chris for the past month. With her magic , he's turning 8 months soon.

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