{ Day 19 }

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It's a good thing she stood her ground... but over this? It's really messed up. "I'm out..' she grabbed her phone and stormed out of the house as mom kneeled down and cried. I patted her back to tell her it was okay. I dashed out of the house. "Rose!' 'Rose!' I called out her name, but I didn't hear a voice. ' Rose! Rose!' I repeated, in a much louder and clear voice. " Em.....stop shouting like a maniac!' her voice ranged behind my ears. "Could you just come home?' I walked toward her as she started walking in another direction. "Look, if you're here to convince me about coming home or about stop doing drugs I really have no time for your shit talk.' she rejected me straight up. "Look...why are you following dad's footsteps?' She ignored me and quicken her footsteps. Something tells me I shouldn't follow her. I paused, looking at her from afar. I hope everything would go well. Because now I need to get a job to help mom with the bills. 

"That sucks...' Jessica answered the phone. She's the only one I could talk to right now. "So...what are you going to do now?' Jessica asked in a hard tone. I was planning to get a job as a waitress at a coffee shop. It wouldn't be easy. I have an art business to get to and I haven't even finished high school yet. But I need to... The next day, it was like a whole new me, I'm meeting new people other than my friends or other people in the neighborhood. "Yo, Amelia...I have an interview today, what should I wear?' "Something formal...I guess?' she answered me in a cool voice. I curled my hair up in a bun with extra mascara on my eyelashes. 

I walked there on foot, the weather was actually hazy. There's mist and clouds in the sky, like something bad is about to happen. "Get yourself together Em..' I thought to myself. I was greeted by calm background music and customers chatting in the background. I confidently walked towards the counter when I could feel like all eyes are on me. "Um...hello' I cleared my voice before speaking. "You're here for the interview right?' a 30-year-old like woman with glasses greeted me. I nodded slowly as she gestures for me to sit down at one of the round coffee tables. A barista came over to give us two cups of hot coffee. "So.....tell me about yourself..' she started briefly. "Hi...I'm Emily Simpson. And um...I'm 17 this year and uh...I would like to apply for the waitress job.' I chuckled nervously as she nods her head over and over. "You're still in high school...but judging by your looks...you could attract customers..' her words left me dumbfounded, she focused more on my looks than my skills. I'm actually glad and surprised. "How much do you think you can earn in an hour?' she asked seriously. It felt like this was the million-dollar question.

I hesitated before answering. "I think... 20 bucks?' she took a sip of her coffee and stared at me. 'Nope...it's minus 5.' I looked at her nervously. '15 bucks per hour? It's not enough at all' I thought to myself. "But...if you like to earn more, you may go for a night shift and afternoon shift...' she smirked after finishing her sentence. I hesitated again, it's going to be hard, but to keep a roof above me and my mom's head and food on the table. I need the extra cash. "Ok!' I said it firmly. "You're hired...you may start next week..' she added slowly. I walked home with my hands crossed together. I was scared about the business and also my job. Rough days were about to begin. 

"Where have you been?' Ava asked suspiciously. "Interview for a job' my words shocked them bad. "Why?' Aubrey asked. Jessica entered the room with her phone in her hands and texted you-know-who again and again. "Her mom got laid off from her job.' Jessica's words explained it all. "Who are you texting?' Avery fed Chris milk while asking. "Eric..' she smiled as I rolled my eyes around twice. "Oh my god...you guys are a thing?' Aubrey asked excitedly. "No...' Jessica laughed as Aubrey tickled her to expose the truth of their relationship. "Not gonna lie...he is pretty cute...' Avery added. "How is he cute?' I glared at Avery while Ava tossed her coke can around. "He treated every one of us doughnuts at work...and coffee?' I chuckled. Jessica agreed as she nod her head aggressively. 

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