12. Flunk

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"Do you have to put your feet on my desk, Bambi?" The use of my nickname causes me to rip my eyes from my book and look at Baek's obsidian ones.

It was late Tuesday night, I didn't want to be left in that big house all by myself tonight. Baekhyun protested before my constant whinging and begging finally changed his mind and let me come with him. I just wasn't allowed to go downstairs, party pooper

Baekhyun slouched in his leather chair, the stars twinkling behind him as the curtains remain open. His sepia hair fall on his face as his eyebrows furrowed in frustration as his hands grip a pen in one and a piece of paper in the other.

"Someone's grouchy tonight." I roll my eye before reattaching them to the book in front of me. I retracted my legs and throw them over the armrest of my own chair this time, with a sarcastic smile plastered on my face. "Better?"

"Much,"His eyes focused on the paper once more, before raising up slightly to look at me. "Thank you."

My own eyes found their way to Baekhyun. His black T-shirt tight against his arm muscles, bunched as its tucked into his dress pants. The pen in his right hand was spinning through his fingers while the other slightly pushed his whispy fringe back. The frown lines of frustration creased his forehead. Cute

"Need some help?" I questioned, softly closing my book.

"It's business stuff." He replied to my offer bluntly.

"What is it? Maybe I can help." I place my book on the other chair before making my way around Baekhyun's desk.

"I've seen your grades, Chae. You flunked mathematics." I opened my mouth to questioned how on earth that he knew I didn't pass that class. "You really think I'd let you continue working here without doing a check on you first." He answered my unasked question before it even left my mouth.

"Prick." I muttered under my breath as I stood next to Baekhyun, leaning my palms on the cold wood of the desk, I quickly eyed the papers he was looking at. "It's the clubs accounts. I can help, I was actually good at this subject. I chose to flunk on purpose."

Baekhyun looked at me, baffled. Either by the fact that I was good at math and accounting or the fact that I purposely failed a subject in school. I was definitely a rebellious teenager

Scooting closer to his chair, my thigh pressed against the arm rest that was now occupied by his arm. My sudden closeness not bothering him in the slightest. My eyes raked over the numbers that filled the page, this month expenses and figures.

By the looks of the scribbles and the blacked out writing below, I'm assuming he was trying to do the figures of the company but was using the wrong formula to work it. I grabbed a red pen from his collection and moved to crouch down for comfort.

"Here," Baekhyun moved his arm and motioned for me to take a seat on the arm rest for a bit more comfort. Without hesitation I sat half on the arm rest, Baekhyun shifted his arm a few times, not knowing where to put it until he decide to place it behind me.

After another rake over of the paper I circle the important numbers and wrote the proper formula down on the bottom of the page.

"You need to put these numbers into this equation, then you'll be able to find the answer you're looking for. Why is Yixing spending some much on pineapple liquor?" I questioned, slightly turning my head to face Baekhyun, to see him already looking at me.

His sweet scent clouded my nostril, his onyx eyes sparkled like stars in the galaxy, moving and dancing in the moonlight and they stared right into my own amber ones. Baekhyun's hand that is position behind me, moved to push a strand of my black hair behind my ear, his warm finger tips grazing my check slightly.

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