42. Fallen

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This chapter is very graphic. They may only be characters on a page but it can still be very jarring for some readers. DO NOT hesitate to reach out to me if you every need to let a few things of your chest.


"BAEKHYUN!" I called out, rushing to his silhouette that was crouching down. The ringing in my ears has started to shake my head, being so violent and painful, I didn't know how I was still standing.

My eyes started to adjust to the low light in the room, Baekhyun was taken down on one knee, clutching his left shoulder. His breaths were ragged and hot as they hit my face. I place one hand on his burning hot face, my other went to his shoulder.

My heart dropped.

His warm blood coated my hand as it flowed out of his wound, he groaned at the contact of my hand. "Bambi, you can't be here. You have to get out of here." He groaned out, short of breath. He tried to grab my now bloody hand and remove it from him.

My father's warm blood coated my trembling hands. "It's not your fault, honey."

"I'm not leaving you here." I tried to pry his hands away to get a look at the wound. It was very deep and close to his heart. The crimson liquid continued to spill from his wound, pouring over his jet black suit and both our hands, falling onto the floor.

"It's not safe for you anymore." He gave up on trying to fight my hands. He used his own to touch my face, most likely wiping away the tears that has subconsciously fallen down my face. "I need you to survive this, you can't die here and that's exactly what he's going to do to you."

"It's not your fault."

"Baby, you need to get out of here. Every single plan of our has been compromised, you need to escape and run." His eyes glazed over, his own tears threatening to fall over his waterline. I could tell the bullet was lodged deep and he need medical attention.

I immediately ripped the edge of my dress, making it much shorter than it was. I nudged his hand away before quickly packing the material into his wound and moving his hand back. I didn't have to tell him to apply pressure, he was already doing it. "We are not dying here. We are making it out together, all of us."

"It's your fault."

The light had flicked back on, my eyes squeezed shut at the harshness not expecting the fluorescence's to burn my retinas just yet. It was only now that I was able to get a proper look at Baekhyun.

Blood was everywhere, his blood was everywhere. It had soaked into both out clothes, dripping down his body and pooling at our knees. His face had started to pale, despite his burning temperature that I felt a moment ago, he lost a lot of blood and quickly.

I started to pull Baekhyun up from his crouching position, I manoeuvred his arm over my shoulder and the other around his waist, trying my hardest to make him stable enough to be able to move him. Just when we were about to start moving, another loud gunshot rang out.

Baekhyun groaned in pain and pulled myself and him down to the floor again. His hand moved from his wounded shoulder to his thigh, struggling to keep the yelps of pain to himself. I instantly rip more of my dress and start wrapping it around his thigh.

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