23. Muted

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The afternoon sun was coming off a high point, the winter sleet was becoming dismal. The snow has finally melted, leaving the ground damp and chilly touch. The sun was warmer than the last few months, allowing the trees to grow luscious green leaves and the flower buds to start to blossom.

The start of spring was always a sad time for me, as beautiful as it may be, winter was over. No more early mornings wrapped in a blanket, sitting in front of the fireplace or keeping my hands warm around a full cup of coffee.

Not to mention, my body hates spring. Allergies

Sitting on the stairs of the back porch letting my sun hit my exposed legs from my pyjama pants, warming them a bit. Enjoying the serenity of my last day off for the week before back into work, serving the fellow patrons of 'Exo Planet'. Baekhyun insisted that I take a few days off since the incident before I get back on my feet and needless to say, I was ready to get back into what I do best.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Baekhyun's bare shoulder brush against my clothed one has he moved to copy my posture, handing me a piping hot cup of coffee in the process.

"Missing winter already." I lightly sip the delicious beverage and slightly lean into his side. "Want it back already."

"You body temperature is literally below zero, how can you miss winter?" A small chuckle left his lips that I knew he was smirking from without even looking at him.

"Winter is nice, it's cozy and brings family together." The memories of my once perfect childhood flash through my mind like a slideshow, before they are replaced by the horrible ones with my step father. "My father loved Christmas. Said it was the only time of the year where time stopped. When the snow and ice covered the ground it was time to let loose and live in the moment and when it melts, time starts again."

"He sounds like a great man, I wish I could have met him." A lone tear falls from my eye that I quickly wipe and smile as Baekhyun's comment.

"He would have welcomed you with a firm handshake and a gun pressed into your back." I lighten up at the protectiveness of my father. "He would have loved you though."

"Here this is for you." Baekhyun held out a small velvet box in front of me.

Placing the mug down beside me, I take the small box in my own hands and open it up. A white gold band with an emerald cut diamond sat in the ring box, glistening as the sun hit not only the diamond in the middle but the ones that lined the band. It was absolutely breathtaking. I plucked it from the box to get a closer look.

"What is this for?" I question finally looking at Baekhyun, his hair in a slight tousle and bare torso.

He takes both the ring and box out my hands, placing the box down with one hand and replacing it with my left hand. "It's a promise, to always protect when your can't protect yourself. A reminder that you always have a home and a family with 'Exo'." He slipped the ring onto my ring finger. A perfect fit. "Not to mention we are engaged, have to look the part."

His warm hands left mine to pull my face closer to his, planting a small and reassuring kiss on my forehead.

"What are your plans for today, Bambi?" He wrapped his solid arm around my shoulder, pulling my whole body in closer to his.

"Thinking about seeing my mother, been a while and I need to make sure she's okay."

"I can give you a ride there." He offered.

"No that's okay, thank you though. I meet up with Taeyong and he drives me in." I feel him tense up at the name of a Lee. "It would be too suspicious if you are the one to drop me off.

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