28. Pick a Side

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Waking up the next afternoon, my body ached, my thigh felt as if it was on fire and my head throbbed to the same beat of my heart. Unwrapping my body from Baekhyun's naked and resting one, I quickly shower and wrap my thigh with a fresh banged and pop some painkillers.

I slip into a short black dress with long flared sleeves, making sure to not knock the injury on my leg. I dab some antiseptic on my forehead cut and let my hair fall naturally straight. I send a quick text message to Taeyong, telling him to meet me at the café, he doesn't take long to respond telling me that he'll be there. I write Baekhyun a quick note telling him that I will meet him at the club before work and give him a quick kiss on the forehead before putting my knee-high boots on and setting out the door.

There were a million questions running through my head that I wanted to ask Taeyong, more like needed to. There were secrets that needed to be unveiled, even though I'm in the loop with everything it still feel like there is so much I'm missing. This underworld is like a tower of Jenga, there as so many different pieces that make up the operation and one wrong pull can have the whole scheme toppling over.

The spring wind was starting whip my loose around my face, becoming very annoying. I take the elastic from my wrist and messily tie my hair at the bottom of my neck, easing some tension in my body that I didn't know was there.

The café was slightly warmer as I stepped in, ordering my usual coffee from a different barista than last time and taking a seat once my order was given to me.

"You still drinking those things?" Taeyong sat down in front of me, smug as they come.

"We have a lot to talk about, me and you." I place my icy drink on the table, joining my hands together and laying them in the lap of my crossed legs.

"That we do, Princess." He was no long smug, the Taeyong I was talking to now wasn't the one who would do anything to get under my skin. This Taeyong was serious, he gave me his full attention, ready to answer my questions.

"Who's Jeong Jaehyun?" I start with a simple question.

He leans over the table, grabbing my drink and taking a small swig. "I wasn't going to say anything, however considering you almost died yesterday, I think it might be time to." He places my drink back down, rearranging himself before continuing. "Jeong Jaehyun is a member of 'NCT'."

"What the hell is 'NCT'?" I swear to God if another gang is involved in this whole cluster fuck.

"They are kind of like the vigilantes of the gang world." So, another gang... "They are similar to 'EXO'. They don't hurt innocent people; they only go after bad people."

"How are they involved in this?" it was difficult keeping up with all our problems already, how are we going to handle this?

"A couple of their guys were dealt bad drugs, almost killed them. Once Jaehyun found out where they came from, he nearly tore up the mansion ready to slaughter Dohwa. 'NCT' look at their member as family, they will do anything to protect the ones they love." Taeyong was leaning further into the table, trying to keep our conversations and secret as possible.

"How do you play a part in this?" I question the older male, not understanding his involvement of how any of this plays in his favor.

"I met Jaehyun when we were younger, he was a good kid and had a lot of potential, we were close until he went to live in America. A couple weeks ago he approached me about Dohwa, wanting him to pay for what he did. I made him a proposition."

"What proposition?" I was annoying myself with every time I jumped in, but he was taking too long, and I needed answers.

"Told him to work with me and bring Dohwa down from the inside. Watch his empire fall and him along with it." He was fulling leaning on the table, closer to my face now. "When you came back, I knew you would be the only one to take him down completely."

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