21. Leader's Burden

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Her hands are cold. They've always been cold, she would always tuck her hands in her jacket pocket to keep them warm, this time my own were now encasing hers to keep any warmth in. It was earlier hours in the morning and Chae is sleeping off the night before, my eyes travel to the purplish marks already blossoming around her neck, guilt clawing at my stomach.

I wrapped my long fingers around her soft delicate one, pink dusting her knuckles where she's spent hours training to fight. I look at the cut above her eyebrows that was held together by small sterile strips, my anger bubbled at the surface but quickly subsided into remorse then into heavy guilt.

Chaeyeong has some type of hold on me. There's something in her eyes that sparkles every time she's doing something she loves like making drinks at the bar or hustling my men out of their money. She gets a kick out of teasing me and loves when I bite back, I much rather have her tease me instead of the silent treatment.

I want to keep her close and make sure she's safe and happy but there's also a part of me that has a scar so deep it won't let me get any closer. I can't keep her or myself in limbo any longer, she needs to know every part of me and I want to know every part of her. I need to talk to her and find out where her head is at.

"Baekhyun," Junmyeon calls from the doorway of my bedroom. "Everyone is here."

"Thank you, Junmyeon." I slowly rise from the chair next to my bed and pat Junmyeon on the shoulder as I walk past him. He may be older than me but he still respects me as their leader.

"She'll be okay, she's a tough cookie." Junmyeon smiles at me. I give a smile back to him as his attempt to make me feel better. It's moments like this that make me jealous that he got to meet her and experience all her quirks first.

Junmyeon followed me down the stairs and into the quiet living room, it seems without Chaeyeong the room falls silent and hollow; that without her, there is no light. I pass Chanyeol as he leans against the doorway, he chooses not to look at me.

Kyungsoo sits on a chaise in front of the lit fire place, Minseok stands behind him occupied by his phone. Jongin sits on the three seater in between Sehun and Yixing,  Junmyeon follows me into the room and we both take a seat on the two single chairs that are facing each other.

"There are few things to discuss tonight," Junmyeon starts, addressing the room. "Obviously, our newest member is unable to join us but she will be informed about the proceedings once she does regain consciousness."

"What's with the formalities?" Sehun teases the older male. Sehun has always been the first one to pick out and tease Junmyeon for his business like way of speech.

Sehun's lucky he is the youngest one and can get away with mischief and teasing. Yixing reaches behind Jongin and flicks Sehun on the back of the ear, stifling a laugh from me and the rest of the room. "Continue, Junmyeon." Yixing tells the second in command after half scolding the younger one.

"We'll start with the voice recording that Chaeyeong was able to capture from our private rooms. Kyungsoo, I'll let you take the lead on this one." Junmyeon leans back into the seat, letting Kyungsoo have the rooms full attention.

"Mr. Park the CEO of Shinee Accounts and Finance had a meeting with once of his juniors and our regular, Lee Taemin. Lee Taeyong and Mark Lee of the Lee gang also accompanied them in the meeting.

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