Chapter 6

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For now let's just upgrade the system first since it's already getting dark but before that let's look for a place we can sleep on

Currently i'm singing now while i'm searching for a place to sleep on, though i don't know if my voice sounds bad or good, i can just sleep in the tree branches at the worst case scenario if i didn't find any, i think that would be the best actually, since they are thick and big enough for 2 people to sleep and high enough for other beasts to climb but still of course i'm not confident since beasts here aren't normal at all

(A/N: Just in case you guys wanna know what he is singing, it's "Coming Home" not sure of the title)

But even then i still need to get away from the bodies of the super boars since i'm very sure that the smell of blood will attract wild animals soon

And we all know that animals here wouldn't be normal like back in earth

I checked the system upgrade bar at the side of the status window

The upgrade time would take atleast 8 hours to finish


After a while of searching, there isn't a trace of caves not even a big boulder but i did find a river

I heightened my senses since i'm sure there would also be something in the river, one of the things i learned in this short time i'm here is that danger just lurks around the corner as while i'm trying to search for a place to sleep on i even encounter some beasts hiding, insects camouflaging waiting for preys and even plants

I avoided them by accelerating myself, even though i want to stop time to get the job done easier, i can't

It seems stopping time is too hard for me for now, i lack concentration as i already fought monsters at my first day here and didn't even haven't able to eat proper food let alone a single sip of a drink, my body and mind is too exhausted already

The beasts and insects are fast yes, but even at that i was able to use my power to some extent on them, although what i wanted to do is to stop them by stopping time around them, but since they are too strong for me i can only at most slow them down

Even then since i accelerated myself i was able to shake them off my tail and somehow got here safely

Slowly i tiptoe to the edge of the river, i arrived safely and tried to wait for something to appear but nothing happened so i lower myself and drink from it

I don't have the leisure to check if the water is clean or what as i'm already exhausted and thirsty

After i finished drinking, thankfully nothing happened, i immediately searched for a tree that was high enough for beasts to see

I spotted one right after and climb it all the while singing softly to myself, cautious of attracting beasts

I got into a branch and climb to another and their i rest, not caring anymore if i die or not as i'm really already drained

Soon i entered dreamland


I was awakened by the sunlight peaking from the treetops, still not used to it since i always woke up late in my previous life

Soon i heard my stomach grumbling, since i didn't ate much yesterday because of the boar incident, i plan to eat as much as i can today

But first i would need get the necessary things for cooking like twigs, stones and such

I plan to cook the super boar i hunted yesterday, i don't know if it's edible or not but let's see

"Ohhhh" i exclaimed as i saw the upgraded system, other than the inventory having more space, i don't know the other things that might have been upgraded or maybe additional services that the system can provide

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