Chapter 11

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I tried really hard to recall the feeling of being starved and thirst but other than being hungry i don't recall any other things except for being weak too ofcourse

I need to approach this challenge in another side/angle to understand it more fully

If i would be a beggar with nothing to eat, what would i do?

Remembering how beggars in the street eat, i think i already have an idea, they search for food in the trashcans, food that are either dirty full of soil or spoiled food sometimes they would even eat food full of mud or even mud itself

Being starved means, nothing to eat, it means soil, mud or earth, it can also mean spoiled food, it can also mean children or trash cans and many more

After thinking of that i got up and go inside the house and into my room

"I have an idea of what being starved means but i still can't fully recall the feeling of starvation so there's only one thing i need to do, it is to experience it myself"

And so i started my fasting, to know and recall the feeling

At the first day i didn't feel the urge to eat that much although my stomach grumbled

At the second day, my stomach grumbled again and again and again, my body started feeling weak, my thoughts slow down as well as i circulate the time all around my body

At the third day my stomach stopped grumbling but my body feel so heavy, my eyes drooped and my mind slow

At the fourth day i got up and decided to swing the sword, to ingrave this feeling of hunger into my mind and body

At the 5th day i'm swinging my sword, my body heavy, mind slow, eyes drooped from lack of sleep but even then i didn't stop swinging my sword while remembering what i feel right now, i also added my resentment i accumulated and remembered from my life in earth and swing the sword more fiercely, i also tried putting time energy

Time energy by the way is the vitality or time stolen from the beasts i fought since i don't have mana, i have read in novels that covering your sword with mana can result in aura, so i tried if it would work despite it being not mana

This continued until 2 weeks has passed i never stopped, the time i accumulated started to decrease much faster than ever before

At that time i felt something strange from my body as well as my sword, my instincts are telling me to put all of my resentment, the feeling i feel right now to the sword as well as time

Afte putting it all i swing the sword in the nearby tree, and then a silver energy was released from the sword and struck the tree

At that time i felt so good, my eyes surprised, shocked that my hardwork finally paid off, the feeling of frustration this past 2 weeks for not seeing any progress finally paid off

As i rejoiced my body felt so heavy than before, ny strength left me and as i fell someone caught me

I looked at the person who caught me, and then for the first time i smiled

"You did a great job xia, you can rest now, leave everything to me" he said while smiling so warmly to me

I just smiled at his words and let the darkness hug me


Max's POV

I had always wondered, what is this strange power xia have?

At first i thought its just speeding up himself or appearing then disappearing the second

But whenever i do so he would always show another feat using his magic that made me so confused about how many abilities does he really have?

At that time when i first met him i already knew that he's not normal after all he was able to escape from the fire tiger beast!

Although that beast doesn't boast speed and instead has so much firepower it is still a feat that would make everyone in his age doubt if he's really just a kid

I don't sense any mana in his body so that power is definitely something that wasn't yet discovered, but i still can't be sure since its has already been decades since the last time i receive news of what is happening inside and outside the empire

Although i did go to the nearest villages here and there, there aren't rumors and news of something like this appearing anywhere

And now he surprised me again, i never thought that he wouldn't eat and drink just so he can remember and train with the feeling of starvation and thirst at the same time

But i am more surprised by the results of his hardwork

I always watch him train crazily everyday and i know he still do every night, that's why i know what hardship he endured just so he can learn the sword

And the result of that is this

I looked at the tree he strucked with that invisible force he released

The tree is nowhere to be found and everything in that invisible force path was gone, like that place never existed before, i don't know how to explain it, its just like everything the power touched was disintegrated but also left the untouched ones unscathed

No explosions, no damage spreading in the nearby areas

If you also look closely the damage done would look like a fire has ravaged the area since there are burn marks everywhere but when you go closely you wouldn't feel any remnants of heat

I looked at the boy in my arms while we are going inside the house

"He would definitely be a great person someday, that much i'm certain"

I just hope that this kid wouldn't be tainted with evil and stay who he is when he decided to go on his journey

"People like him wouldn't stay in a remote place like this, i know that someday, he will leave and will want to experience what the world has to offer"

At that i tended to him, this boy, that made my boring monotonous life into an interesting one

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