Chapter 9

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We are currently in the forest going back in the cabin we are staying in

I decided that it would be best to go into the forest and hunt with him, this is also a way for me to get stronger, there is a saying that experience is the best teacher you know

2 weeks has passed when we first met, after i asked him the question, he looked at me, while waiting for him to answer i saw him giving me"why are you asking me that" look

When he realized that i really didn't know, he first asked my certain things like who i am, where did i came from and such

I answered him truthfully as possible, i decided that my name here would be Ataraxia Von Françoise Dela Valliere

I even want to add the 4th name Le Blanc and middle name Dela Baume but i decided against it as it would sound as if i came from a noble family

He looked at me suspiciously that time but sighed and then gave me his opinion of what happened that time

"I think it' s a side effect of your magic"

What? But it never happened to me when i'm doing it to myself

"My guess is that it only happens when you heal people other than yourself"

Although i'm not showing it with my facial expression, since i always looked blank outside, i still have doubts in my head

He then proceeded to get a small knife and then cut his hand

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Heal it"

Knowing fully what he meant i used my power to revert it back to what it look before being cut

The blood from his hands move and got back inside his wounds as it closed up

He looked at his hands, i don't know what he's thinking but if i were to guess i think its about my power

He then looked at me strangely then sighed again, i don't know if he sighs because i'm ugly or if there is something in my face, i just don't know

Then later on i felt some pain in my hand, i looked at it, he cut himself at his left and the pain i'm feeling is also from my left hand

Since i discovered yet another price to pay if i want to use my ability to other people

"Do you felt anything?"

"Yeah, it is as you say" i answered him while looking at ny hand

We talked more for atleast an hour and after that i decided that i would wash up the plates since i also askes him if i can stay here, he said its okay as long as im okay with the cabin, i didn't really mind it since i'm already used to this way back in earth

After washing that time i decided to read books to gather more information, when i open the books i saw unfamiliar characters instead of english and such i asked him to teach me how to read and write, he looked at me weirdly as if to say "he doesn't even know how to read and write? Did he came from the boonies or something?"

He decided that he would teach me but only in a fix schedule, ao we decided that he will teach me everyday after we eat breakfast for atleast 2-3 hours

That's what happened that time and for 2 weeks we repeated the same schedule, after eating he would teach me how to read and write, then i would practice my sword, sometimes he would watch me while doing some swings although i doubt i look impressive since i don't really know what to do with the sword other than swing it with all i have

After practicing the sword at the afternoon we would go to the forest and hunt, after hunting at that time when he saw the beasts i hunt disappear, he thought there is an enemy but i explained to him that its an artifact, at first he didn't believe me but i showed the beasts i hunted and he was more surprised than before, by his reaction i could say that subspace artifacts doesn't exist here

I also mastered the ability to fly now after 2 weeks, i can now fly continuously albeit only at a mild pace.

Although i don't want to show him my abilities i have no choice since we would live together for now

I really want to go and find a village or town right now but when i faced that fire tiger beast, i decided that i wouldn't go out in the world until i master my abilities and learn all i need to learn such as the sword, reading, writing and the currency of this world

After that he also taught me how to properly and skillfully butcher a beast meat, skin it, what parts need to be removed and the most important part is how to get the beast core

I was surprised when i heard that there are beast cores inside beasts and i am more shocked to know that beast cores are actually the crystallized mana the beasts has accumulated throughout their lives

We decided to call it a day and he'll just tell me the other details later as we need to get out of the place before beasts come flocking because of the smell of blood

Since then he taught me how to read and write, currency of this empire which is called by the way, Hyperion Empire

He also taught me things about the beasts such as the different attributes of the beasts, their strength and weaknesses, what is beast core and such

Beast cores by the way can also have the rare thing called Beast Will

When a beast has a strong willpower they would be able to pass their abilities or power to others by the means of their beast core, but even then this would be so rare as beast who has strong mind are either so strong to defeat or too rare to find

That is why beast cores are so precious that just 1 beast core even if its the weakest one would fetch a high enough price you wouldn't need to work for years to come and still have some left

Beast cores can also be used to create weapons and when a beast core with a beast will is made into a weapon it would manifest an ego and can choose its owner

At that time i wondered if they can use 2 beast will at the same time, one assimilated into your body and the other in beast weapons

As if to read my mind the man named Max, said that its not possible

People with beast will already assimilated into their body tried to use a beast weapon but cannot do so since the beast wills would fight and devour each other that would lead to the death of the user

Its already night this time and i'm in my room when i first came here, i'm converting the time i accumulated from hunting into my own

My chronoheart has already expanded and leveled up into ChronoHeart 3 although i would need 5000 years worth of time for it to expand again right now i only have 100 years of time and 1 hourglass full of time

Everytime the chronoheart expands it doesn't literally expands, only the capacity would, but it doesn't expand literally

Anyway after converting time i then got to bed and rest

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