Chapter 13

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"If that's the case then i guess i can't do anything about it, just nake sure to not push yourself too much or else." He paused and looked at me, i immediately understood what he meant so i nodded before i got up and prepare to enter the forest

"Anyway do you have any plans to go the academy?" He asked while we are making our way towards the house

If you look at it, this world is similar to earth only that this was way back in medieval period and has magic, monsters and fantasy related things so naturally there would also schools but i bet they won't teach you normal classes there as this world is more focused in magic than technology

"Yes, since entering the academy would be good for me to have more background informations written in my profile, i would also be able to learn much more things there specially when it comes to magic" i answered him while making my way to my room

"If that is the case then let me first train you with everything i know when it comes to fighting and i'm telling you this not to discourage you or anything but." he trailed off while also making his way on his room onky stopping when his in front of his door

I waited for him to finish his sentence as max is never the typed to discourage or lie about something, that i observed from his personality

"You see, the academy is strict when it comes to accepting applicants" max said slowly while glancing at ataraxia making sure he wouldn't be discourage or anything of the sort

"Ok wait hold that for now, we need to prepare for the hunt first" i said while looking at him saying that "wait a minute lets prepare first"

He nodded and entered his room to prepare for the hunt as i also prepared the things i would need too"


"So basically the academy wouldn't just accept anyone but filter them out through tests and such? Explain more" I asked while making sure not to trip in a tree root or rocks while glancing at him waiting for his reply

"Ok so the academy would first accept the applicants who passed the minimum requirements and then after that give them rooms for the initial acceptance, there they would need to raise their strengths until the elimination test, when you passed you would then compete with the others, by compete i mean fighting with the other students, if you defeat your opponent then you will be accepted in the academy." He explained as he walked through the forest with me while looking for beasts that we can hunt

"I expected that much so what's the catch?" I asked as in how he explained it the acceptance test are too easy and i find it suspicious as if going to the academy is that easy then many people would already applied

Max grinned at me and then continued to explain "So basically, sometimes there would be mandatory tests you will need to attend, at that; students will then get re-evaluated and re-rank to see if they have progress, also you will be ranked based on your performance in every tests and if you are ranked high enough the school will provide you better resources than people ranked below you and ofcourse those higher than you would get better"

Continuing his explanation "At those events people outside the school will come and watch the performance of the students and recruit them specially so in the case of the big families of the empire"

"Then that means the competition would be fierce and applicants would ofcourse give their best to ranked higher specially so when these important tests and there also people that might be-" i was cutted off when he suddenly butt it

"Yes, if what you think is sabotaging others it may happen specially so at the case of commoners and nobles since they are in the same institution" he said seriously while pointing at a beast not too far away

"Anyway thats all you need to know and the others would be taught inside the school so before you can enter the school you should first train with me to get your combat sense, experience and proficiency rank up so that you would survive inside the school, but that is if you get to satisfying level" he glanced at me grinning but his eyes told me that he's serious as he darted off into the beast as i followed him right after

"Ok if thats the case then, please take care of me from now on master" i said respectfully and sincerely as i rarely encounter these kind of people, people that would be willing to help you without asking anything back-

"Ofcourse my teaching aren't for free, you need to clean the house, wash dishes as well as the clothes" he laughed heartily as he came in front of the beast and slashed at it with his sword as the sword releases the familiar red energy, the sword of starvation which the fhaynhorn a deer like beast that is proficient in earth manipulation and will awaken Chlorokinesis when it reach the Leader Class

There are classes in monsters which is the same as humans that max told me, it starts at [No Class] which means the weakest of the monsters then the [Rare Class] which can use mana to strengthen their bodies and would have awareness though not that much, the super boars are in this class then [Elite Class] beasts at this class have higher mana proficiency than the rare class as well as they would have intelligence.

Next is the [General Class] beasts awaken their first element, [Vice Leader Class] higher proficiency in their element then [Leader Class] which gives them enough power and authority to rule onto a piece of land more likely in a forest and turn it into their territory, most monsters at this class would then rule over their species in the forest unless there are stronger beasts, beasts that reach this class will also empower beasts of its kind and rank them up by one tier that is why leader class beasts are so hard to deal with as not only they have intelligence the same as humans at this point but they also have empowered allies as reinforcements

Next is the Knight Class beasts after this is the Noble class and then so on, max didn't deliberately tell them to me as beasts at this are at most at Leader class with some reaching knight and noble class which he told me not a problem to him

I wondered at that time what rank is that fire tiger beast if knight and noble class wouldn't be much of a problem to him?

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