Vampireverse! Nm (Macabre) x reader

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Sadly, I didn't find much info on Vv Nm so sorry in advance if some stuff seems a bit wonky-


"You're hot."


You were simply walking around, visiting the country for the first time. It had been your dream to visit this place, you were sure you were going to have plenty of fun.

Thus, with a map in hand with markings drawn by the hotel receptionist who explained to you what the best places to visit were you began exploring.

Just by looking at you, it was obvious you were a tourist too.

You moved at a quick pace, visiting and exploring many attractions as well as going on a small shopping spree.

While you weren't the best at speaking Spanish, you could still understand most of it when people said it or the writing so it wasn't that much of a hassle, thankfully.

Thus, time passed by quickly and it had begun to get dark. Normally, it's better to start heading back home considering vampires might be lurking around at that time but you, being mostly new to the concept and what was going around Spain, merely thought of it as a fake rumour.

Although that didn't mean you weren't scared while walking around a deserted shady alleyway in the middle of the night.

It soon became clear that the map was of no use and of course, your data couldn't work while you were in another country.

"This seems way too much of a cliche horror scene to be true.."
You checked your surroundings, spotting nothing but two parallel old-looking brick walls around you. That reassured you that nothing was there, but there was still a lingering feeling of dread following you as if something or someone was observing you and was ready to pounce at any given moment.

You quickly tried to shake the uneasy feeling away and picked up your pace.

There was an eerie silence that set you off. It shouldn't be this quiet, even if it's pretty late in the night.

A bead of sweat rolled down your forehead as you let out a shaky breath. Why were you even this scared all of a sudden? It's not like something somewhat dangerous would suddenly appear.


So maybe you jinxed it.-

Now suddenly, you felt your breath hitch as you feel the presence of a person behind you, peering over your shoulder. Pure fear enveloped your body as your eyes grew as wide as saucers, looking like a deer caught in headlights.

"*Hmm? ¿Sin reaction? Estaba seguro de que podría sacarte un buen susto." He had been expecting at the very least a scream, but you made no noise, not a single squeak. He found it surreal that a human could remain unfazed at a fright like that so he turned his head towards your face to get a good look at it.

(*Hm? No reaction? I was sure I could get a good scare out of you.)

"*Pfft, parece que estaba equivocado"
(*Pfft, it seems I was wrong.)

He guessed you were more the type to be completely speechless when there's some kind of jump scare because it's not a reflex to you and you can't muster the capacity to under such a state of shock.

The man backed away a bit and walked in front of you, this time respecting your personal space and giving you a moment to catch your breath.

It took you a while, but soon you were able to jumble up your thoughts and redirect your thoughts away from how this seemed like a cliche horror movie.

 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙐 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨!! ⋆。°✩ //request closed// finished Where stories live. Discover now