Obsessive Swad x reader x obsessive Ds!Dream

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First time I'm doing this kinda stuff so yea 🙏


Also warnings: kidnapping, stabbing, cussing, violence, obsessive behaviour, uncomfortable situations, very creepy behaviour

Dream= Dreamswap dream
Swad= Swapdream dream

"I think you ought to give up on your little feelings."

Dream kept a stern look, gripping his sword harder. "My feelings are far more strong than yours. You simply want (Y/N) because of your possessive nature. You don't know them like I do. So I suggest you be the one to 'give up'."

Swad didn't seem phased, he just kept the same condescending smirk. "How pathetic. You pose no threat to me, you desperate imbecile. However, if you are to lay a hand on them, I will behead you in an instant."

Dream didn't fear Swad. They simply exchanged heated glares of unmasked hatred.

"Heyyy!! You guys are looking real scary!"

They both simultaneously look down. Considering they were ridiculously tall, and you, not so much, you all didn't exactly see eye-to-eye.

Swad immediately beamed. "Sweetheart!! You came!! You look beautiful today."

You smiled a bit, cheeks lightly flushed. "Thank you!"

Dream, trying to one-up Swad, spoke; "I almost mistook you for an angel."

You laughed awkwardly. You didn't mind the compliments from either, it was just a bit much sometimes. "Thank you, Dream. You guys sure like complimenting!"


You never quite understood why they were both so keen on staying right by your side. Sometimes it scared you just how much they insisted.

Occasionally, you'd notice a possessive twinkle in their eye, as if they claimed you as theirs. It sent shivers down your spine.

The city was particularly crowded, considering it was the holidays and everybody is shopping for presents. You were also doing so.

Swad and Dream simply thought it fit if they joined in as well.

An entire two hours was spent buying things with Swad and Dream who had been suggesting you to wear an outfit, glaring at any person that dared look your way and sticking close to you.

Finally, when everything was done and you walked out of your final store, a man had walked into you.

By then, it was nighttime, and through the dimmed lighting offered by the glass windows of the stores, you could see irritation written on his face.

"Watch where you're going, bitch!" He yelled, before taking a good look at you. "You're lucky you're cute. I would've beaten you up."

You couldn't tell if the man was drunk or high, but what he was saying was clearly odd. It was off-putting, to say the least.

However, as you wanted to walk away from the man, he grabbed your wrist, unbeknownst that two obsessive skeletons were watching. "Want to come home with me?"

You frowned, feeling uncomfortable. "No... Let me go." You tugged at his hand, but he simply held on tighter.

Quickly, he got enraged. "Fuck you, bitch." He spat, "I will-"

His face got slammed in by a fist. He stumbled a few feet back before landing on his behind and groaned in pain.

You flinched at the action, turning to Dream. "Ah... Thank you for that."

But he wasn't done.

"You incel. You dare lay a single finger on them? You don't even deserve to be within their vicinity, to even walk the same earth." He summoned a sword in his hand. "Your hand holds sin and you dare touch divinity with it? I believe that behaviour deserves proper punishment."

"DREAM. Put the sword down. What are you doing??!! Have you lost your senses??!" You exclaimed, voice stuttering and loud.

Yet, he didn't stop.

"For once, I agree. He must be punished. He must repent for those sins," With a sinister grin, Swad added; "Nobody gets to touch my beloved." He raised his weapon as well, anger driven.

You ran to pull at Swad, clawing at his coat and attempting to pull him away. "STOP. Please, just stop." However, it hardly did anything, he barely moved.

You knew something was off about them. You had always known, you just ignored it. Truth be told, denying it was better than acknowledging it. What could you have done?

You couldn't run away from them, they'd always find you. No matter what you'd do, they'll always be stronger.

Now, you wanted to make sure the deranged men wouldn't proceed with anything murderous.

So, you continued begging. "Please. Dream. P-please. What happened to being a hero??? To stopping injustice???"

He cast you a glance, a crazed one. "Dear, this IS justice. Don't you see?? I'm doing this for you!!"

Without hesitation, he plunged the sword straight into the man's gut. A gut-wrenching scream was heard.

You sobbed from fear, not believing your eyes. With a shot of adrenaline, you began running.

However, a sudden sense of euphoria washed over you and the last thing you felt is an arm wrapping around you before darkness filled your vision.


You awoke drowsily. It took a while to get accustomed to the bright light before you acknowledged that you were in an unfamiliar room.

The bed you slept on was massive, with sheets sheets and designs holding curves and colours of fire.

Remembering the past events, you shot up from the bed, a feeling of uneasiness filling you.

Before you could even do anything, a sing-songy voice was heard. "Darling!!~ I have breakfast."

You gasped loudly, preparing to run until you realized you realized you weren't able to move. "What the- No. No no. This isn't right— This.. This isn't—"

Swad put on some sort of pouty face. "Aww, you're so cute, all distressed and panicked." He placed a kiss on your nose.

You flinched away, tears streaming down your face. "You MONSTER!!You fucking bastard, I can't believe—"

Appearing suddenly, Dream took note of the situation. "Why are you distressing them so? Oh, you poor thing. Swad is a rather horrible caretaker. Don't worry, I'll take care of you well." As he spoke, he also approached you, lightly running his appendages against your cheek.

You were frozen with fear, not knowing what to do.

"I'm glad we finally came to a compromise. There's no way I would've been able to capture them without other's knowing without you." Dream said, playing with your hair while talking to Swad.

Swad grinned. "Don't rejoice too much. I will have you killed if you try anything I'm not aware of. Sooner or later, you will be out of the picture."

You were sobbing and hyperventilating frantically trying desperately to escape but finding yourself unable to do so.

Dream made a small noise of acknowledgment to Swad's reply. "Keep telling yourself that. (Y/N)'s mine."

Swad's gaze grew murderous, glaring at Dream. "Never. Now that I have my sweet angel right here, under my grasp, I will never give her to you. You were simply an element I needed to accomplish my goal." He spoke in an icy tone, something he didn't normally do. "And let this be know, (Y/N) IS mine."

 𝙎𝙖𝙣𝙨 𝘼𝙐 𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨!! ⋆。°✩ //request closed// finished Where stories live. Discover now