Chapter Eleven

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Eddie was excited. He rushed out of class to find where the bus had parked. He had seen it from his spot in the classroom and couldn't wait until class was over so he could see Venom again.

A whole week! A whole week without his roommate!

Eddie could feel his pulse quickening as he speed walked out of class and down the hall. He tried to find the rest of his friends but they weren't around it seemed.

Even if it had been only two months with the symbiote, Eddie felt as if they'd been together for years. There was something about him that made Eddie just connect easily with him.

Not able to find any of his friends, he decided that Venom must be at the dorm putting his stuff away. Whipping out his phone, he decided to text Venom.

Hey, where are you?!?!? 😫😫😫

You know where I am, little boy 💕

Eddie made a bee-line towards the dorms. It felt like an eternity but he finally made it there. All his mind could think about was Venom and how he just wanted to be held in those strong arms.

Eddie felt another buzz vibrating his phone but didn't look at it. He was too busy with getting to the dorm.

He flung open the door to his room. The lights were on and the rest of the gang was there, but he didn't care. All he wanted was one thing.

As soon as the door opened, Venom knew who it was. Grinning from ear to ear, he stood up from sitting on his bed and welcomed Eddie in, backpack and all.

"Hey, V," Eddie said as he hugged him as tightly as he could. Venom smiled, amused.

"Nicknames now, hmm?" he mused. "Okay, then, Mr. I Love You."

"Nooo," Eddie mumbled, hiding his face in Venom's chest.

"Wait, what?" Anne gasped, delighted.

"He said he loved me," Venom replied with a smirk.

"It was a typo!" Eddie cried.

"We all know that wasn't a typo," Riot said with a laugh.

"What, so you don't love me?" Venom asked, looking down at Eddie, faking hurt.

"No, I do, it's just that—"

Everyone burst out laughing and Eddie blushed.

"Point proven," Venom remarked with a grin. "You do love me."

Eddie just mumbled something incoherent and Venom released him.

"Well, we know that you and Eddie will want to have some quality time together, so we'll just be going now," Anne said with a wink at Eddie. Eddie looked confused for a moment, but then the others agreed, quite hastily too.

"Oh, yeah, we don't want to intrude," Virus said with a grin. "Let's go, guys."

"I'm confused?" Eddie said. "I feel like there's something big about to happen."

"See you later, Eddie!" Anne said as she shut the door.

Eddie turned to Venom who was staring down at him with those large, white eyes of his, arms crossed.

"Uh...." Eddie said stupidly as he stared up at him.

"Come here, Eddie," Venom said. Eddie walked forward timidly, still confused but willing. Venom smiled wider and before he knew it, Eddie felt Venom pull him in closer. That's when he realized where Venom's hands were. His hips tingled and he felt a familiar warmth spreading down south.

Are We Only Roommates? Venom and Eddie College AUWhere stories live. Discover now