Chapter Nine

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"I don't want you to go," Eddie mumbled sadly as Venom finished packing.

"Aww, it's okay, I'll be back," Venom said with a smile. "It's only a week, after all. Still got months to go."

"Yeah, but I'm not gonna have anyone in my dorm," Eddie replied, sitting on his bed. "It's gonna be quiet here."

"Well, if anything, you can hang out with the others if you get too lonely," Venom replied, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah, but they're usually busy. Virus, Anne and Dora are usually doing girl things and Dan's studying most of the time, and Riot and Carlton are just being themselves."

Venom chuckled.

"They like each other, it's so evident, but I think neither of them want to be the first to say it," he said with an amused grin. "Carlton's just shy and Riot's just not sure if Carlton will accept his invitation if he asks."

"They're not dating yet?"

"Well, neither are we," Venom mused cheekily. "We're just skirting around the edges... but we basically are."

"Yeah," Eddie grinned.

"Maybe this trip will be good for you," Venom said. "Seeing how well you work without having me around for an entire week. I'll have Riot update me..."

"Oh, no," Eddie faked a dramatic fall and flopped down on his bed.

"Oh, yes," Venom chuckled, amused. "You'll be fine. We can text each other and stuff so we won't be entirely cut off from each other."

"Yeah, that's a good thing," Eddie agreed.

Venom glanced at the clock on the wall and sighed.

"Well, guess it's time to leave, the bus leaves in five minutes." He watched as Eddie sat up and looked at him. "Take care, buddy."

"Yeah, you too," Eddie replied with a nod. He paused. "Uh..."

"What? You wanna hug?" Venom smirked, teasing. Eddie blushed. "I'll totally give you one, if you want it," the black symbiote smiled.

"Uh....okay," Eddie said with a goofy grin. He stood up but Venom was already there and engulfed him in a bear-like hug, lifting him off his feet.

"Ahhh, I can't breathe," Eddie giggled as Venom hugged him, legs dangling a few feet off the ground. Venom laughed as well and set him down. But he didn't let go.

"You know another thing I realized?" Venom grinned.

Eddie was going to say something when Venom leaned down towards him and whispered close in his ear,

"You can jerk off now without feeling embarrassed about it."

"Wha—I'm not embarrassed—" Eddie stuttered.

"Hmm. Sure..." Venom said, his teeth ever so gently pressing up against Eddie's ear, making the other shiver. "I bet you're gonna do it tonight, even...."

Eddie felt Venom letting him go and stumbled back a little, his brain a little fuzzy.

"Well, have a good week, Eddie. If you need anything, there's snacks that I left on the counter for you," Venom said brightly, acting as if what had happened a moment ago hadn't happened.

"Oh. Yeah, okay, thanks," Eddie replied, face burning.

Venom chuckled and picked up his stuff.

"See you in a week, bud," he said and walked out the door.

Are We Only Roommates? Venom and Eddie College AUWhere stories live. Discover now