Chapter Twenty-Three

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Cletus looked down at his rough sketch and squinted. He had the entire outline of it done, he just needed the shading and the other features, like adding the eyes and mouth. He glanced over at the symbiote sitting a few rows down from him again, trying to get some more inspiration. Carnage hadn't seemed to notice.

Cletus wasn't trying not to listen to the lecture. He just needed to draw in order to help himself focus more. That was one of his quirks. He needed to draw in order to concentrate better. But it was kind of hard because when in his artistic mind, he sometimes got too focused on his work.

Plus, he had to hand it to him, Carnage was pretty good looking. Sexy, even. He was smaller than the other symbiotes, sure, but he was also the more chaotic of the five. Chaotic meaning he was reckless, didn't care about (most) consequences, he had a funny attitude about things, he liked experiencing and just being himself. And the fun thing was, he didn't care whatever anyone thought about him. He was really chill.

Cletus liked that because he was like that too. He didn't like getting in trouble but he would try things out that were along the lines of "consequential" all the time and see if he could be able to get away with it.

He began working on the symbiote's eye. Since he was drawing Carnage in his desk, he only saw one side of the symbiote.

All symbiote's eyes seemed to be the same color, but they were different in their own special way. Carnage's seemed to lack the perfect, smooth opal shape of Venom's but had some of the nicks and jagged edges like Riot's. Still, they were nice to look at.

Shading those would be kind of different for him, but he would try his best.

When he was finished with that, he went on to try the mouth. Oh, this would be tricky. Symbiote's were known for having huge ass mouths that were filled with large, finger-width fangs that could bite clean through a person's head if they wanted to.

He carefully began to sketch out the teeth and fill in the add-in's later, bringing those teeth a perfect shine. He even made sure to include the pink gums and the "lips" the symbiote had.

Next was the neck. He tried very carefully to match it, and was pleased with the ending result, shading in where it was needed to give it a more realistic look.

Then it was the end of class. Cletus was disappointed that he didn't get to finish, but packed it up and stuck his sketchbook in his backpack. He would just have to finish it later.

"Oh, wow, these are really good," Carnage said as he and Cletus looked through Cletus's drawings in their dorm room after class.

Cletus had made sure to not let him see the drawing of Carnage because he didn't want Carnage to see that he had been drawing him. He had hidden it in his other sketchbook that was laying next to him.

"Thanks," Cletus smiled as Carnage looked through his pictures in his other sketchbook.

"Ever thought about becoming an artist?" Carnage asked him as he looked at the very realistic sketch of a moose and a dog.


"Why? You could sell these."

"Pfft. Sure."

"No, I'm being serious, you could actually get some money if you put these in some sort of competition thing. You could easily win."

"I dunno...." Cletus shrugged sheepishly. "I mean, I don't exactly—"

"Oh, what's this?" Carnage asked as he reached for the other sketchbook. Cletus's heart leaped and he slapped a hand on the sketchbook, indicating he didn't want the other to touch it.

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