Chapter 17: Spider vs Lizards

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Yuto's Pov

I'm now started to make my wars towards Oscrop as I was making my way I saw the carnage that Connors  had caused as people was looking more like lizards than people.

Yuto: Connors you have gone to fucking far..*swinging faster as my phone ranged* Hello?

Sona: There you are what happened to you I heard they was a small explosion.

Yuto: Connors rigged the lab he had in the sewers to blow.

Sona: What?!

Travis: Wait what?!

Yuto: Oh I see Travis is with you.

Travis: Yeah I am, how is the city?

Yuto: It's fucked up Connors had made people into part lizards and his coming to Oscrop to make the whole San Franscisco city into lizards.

Travis: Yo man this shit is fucked up and is getting even more fucked if  we don't stop him. 

Yuto: You guys better have the cure done.

Travis: Still need time to finish.

Yuto: Fuck fine when I fine him I'll stall him so it can finish. *hangs up*

I was making my way towards Oscrop my spider sense went off as I dodged what look like to be acid  ad I turned my head to see who had shot it my eyes widen to see what it was.

I was making my way towards Oscrop my spider sense went off as I dodged what look like to be acid  ad I turned my head to see who had shot it my eyes widen to see what it was

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(Multiple of them)

Yuto: Oh shit....

Lizard Creature#1: *roars at me*

The creatures soon started shooting out acid from their mouths as I was dodging them a huge humanoid lizard grabbed me and slammed me into the ground hard trying it claw me but it damaged my suit more. I kicked it off me and punching it in the chest ten times and grabbed it leg and throws it into the other lizards and jumps at them.

Travis' Pov

As me and Sona was waiting for the cure to be finish I looked at the tv to see lizard creatures attacking Yuto.

Travis: Oh fuck.

Sona: Wha-what?

Travis: Some of the people turned into lizards and now is fighting Yuto..

Sona: What?! *looks at the tv and her eyes widen* No no long is that trying going to finish?!

Travis: Ten more minutes.

Sona: Fucking fine a way to make it go faster!

Travis: Bu-

Even before I say a word Sona stared at me as her eyes was glowing blue and was growling.

Sona: Find a fucking way now...

Travis: *sweats* O-okay but calm down.

I Soon started to make the cure finish faster.

Back To Yuto's Pov

I punched one of the creatures into a building.

Yuto: *panting* Jeez It's like you guys keep appearing out of nowhere..

Lizard Creature#19: *roaring at me more*

Yuto: Great there is more..*groaning*

Lizard Creature#20: *jumps on my back*

As one of the creatures jumped on my back and soon bites down on my shoulder I yelled out in pain and activated my talons and sliced it face as it got off me and I grabbed it tail and throws it into the air, and jumped up and kicked it to the ground very hard. I shot a web at the last one and pulled myself closer to it and kicked it in the chin and punched it away and fired webs at it making it stick to the wall. I calmed down a bit and looked at a window of a car to see myself in the reflection.

 I calmed down a bit and looked at a window of a car to see myself in the reflection

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Yuto: Man....I have seen better day. *chuckles but coughs in pain* Fuck need to stop making jokes. Okay I hope that's the last of those creatures...hopefully these are humans and not giant ass lizards.

I soon saw that Oscrop was very close and I shot out my web and started to make my way towards Oscrop hoping to get there before Connors does. As I was making my way I started to black in and out and I let go of my web, I was screaming but soon enough something caught me and it was a crane that caught me. I looked at who was controlling the crane and it was the father of the to kids I saved at the bridge and as I looked in front of me even more cranes appeared as they were on my side, I have the father the thumbs up and shot a new web and making my way towards Oscrop.

Time-skip brought to you by

Time-skip brought to you by

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3rd Pov

As Travis had made the cure go faster they soon heard a window break thinking it was Yuto, they looked at the corner as it was Connors.

Sona: *whispering* Fuck how long?!

Travis: *whispering too and look at the cure* Another minute.

Sona: We don't have another minute.

Travis: we have to stall him somehow.

As they was trying to think of a plan Connors gotten closer to where they was and they hide behind a pillar. Connors soon started searching around he soon heard something dropped and looked at the pillar and gotten close to it. But as he gotten close Travis came out and started shooting fire from a lighter and a spray he had on him, and Sona punched Connors in the stomach aera and he falls to his knees. Connors gotten up and swipe at Travis making him fly through the wall and passing out, he pulled out a container of lizard gas and poured it in Sona's face, as she was cough Connors was hoping for her to tun into a lizard but she grew spike like in on her back and a tail and Sona punched Connors even harder as he hit the window cracking it. 

Connor: What the?

Sona: *growling* 

Connors saw the machine he was looking for and grabbed it and left fast before Sona could get him, as he was about to chase after him the cure finished and she son grabbed it.

Sona: You is going down Lizard shit head. *runs off*

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