House Hunting

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12 pm 
"Lunar wakey wakey time to get up." Taylor said waking her up. "It's Noon you missed Breakfast and you're gonna miss lunch!" Sarina yelled from upstairs and she woke up. "What? What time is it?" "Noon!" Both girls said and she got up and shooed Taylor out so she could get ready for the day. She grabbed a pair of jeans and a pink crop top and grabbed a pair of hoop earings and her fitbit watch she had gotten years ago from her dad but never used it and she had charged it the night before and grabbed her phone and earbuds and put them in her purse and then she went and brushed her hair and her teeth and then went and put her makeup on and then went upstairs and then she took her phone out and noticed a missed phone call by an unknown number she went to listen to the voicemail when the number phoned again. "Hello?" "Hi, Lunar Macbelford?" "Speaking." "Hi, yes um your schedule for SAIT Photography and Videography classes are starting June 12." "Oh right almost forgot sorry things have been a bit out wack these past few months." "Yes I heard. I'm so sorry about your dad's passing. Your parents were good at one point and to see my best friend go crazy is not the greatest and then..." "Sorry Your best friend?" "Do you remember Gunner?" "Yeah My childhood best friend." "I'm his mom." "Oh. Mrs. Smith?" "Ms. i'm no longer married to his dad he and I weren't close but when I found out about your dad passing and your mom getting arrested on tv and such it was hard to see once a good nice woman happy family mom and everything to an abusive woman greedy and stuck in 1910s is hard to believe. She used to be the happiest and kindest person and she turned." "Yea." "Where are you staying now?" "I left and she tried to come get me but was caught. She was wanted for theft as well. She stole money." "Oh." "And I'm staying with my best friends Taylor and Sarina and their mom. I'm selling my dad's manison in Edmonton and getting a small house near the school. Or somewhere that is nice and is a house where I can get my own stuff." "Smart. Now do you have a piece of paper?" "Yeah hang on give me a few seconds." "Alright." She grabbed a note pad and pen from her purse and she went to the table and said. "Alright got it ready." "Alright the supplies you'll need are very basic. Pens, Pencils, Sharpener or mechanical pencils if you get those 0.7 is the preferred ones. Now for electronics we can give you the Camera you get to keep forever and you learn on many different cameras most are the same but some can and will be different. But you need to pay for them but since you dad paid everything in full you get it for free. And we can supply a computer..." "I actually was gonna go out and get one today for school so which one?" "Uh it's gotta have a lot of storage if you don't have much you can get a hard drive to store the things you take and such and it also has to have a editing software put in and the easiest is Filmora but you need to pay for premium the school can pay for it till your finished your lessons then you need to pay." "Alright I can actually pay for that and I know one that has one built in is that alright too?" "Yeah so long as you can crop, edit, add, delete, and a few other stuff that is done by professional youtubers and such oh and also Adobe as well." "Yeah this has it built in along with photoshopping stuff." "Alright good. And a binder and lined paper for writing notes down but you can use the computer with notes on it to write down stuff if you feel like it. And note books with lined paper inside." "Yep. I got all that all right so June 12?" "Yes." "Alright see you then?" "Actually I wanted to see you beforehand to talk about everything. Where would you want to meet?" "Uh... Chinook mall? Food court?" "Yeah that sounds good." "Okay when?" "Uh how about next week on friday?" "Yeah that sounds good." "Alright seen then." "Yeah bye." "Bye." She hung up and Lunar screamed. "YES!" "What's with the scream?!" Sarina said covering her ears and Lunar said. "I'm going to SAIT and next week I'm going to Chinook to meet the teacher who is my childhood best friend and first crushes mom. She is teaching there and wants to catch up with what's been going on." "Oh. Good. When?" Sarina was asking curious. "June 12." "Oh... What are you gonna do till then? That's... 3 months away?!" "Yeah. I'm waiting for the... Oh speaking of the lawyer." She says as he calls. "Hello?" "Hi, Lunar Macbelford?" "Yes?" "Hi yes this is actually the realtor Shannon your lawyer said you wanted to sell your dad's mansion?" "Yeah. The one up in Edmonton there." "Yeah. I wanted to meet you in person is it possible today or tomorrow?" "Tomorrow is alright where?" "At the house would be a good place. Then we can go over it." "Yeah alright so tomorrow what time?" "How's 2:30 pm sound?" "That's good." "Alright see you then. Bye." "Yeah bye." "Who was that?" Sarina asked. "The realtor i'm going to meet her tomorrow at 2:30 pm at the house I want to sell." "Oh. That's a good thing?" "Yeah." "Okay so what are you gonna do now?" "Well hows house hunting sounds?" "Ooh can I come?" She asked. "Ask if your sister wants to come too?" "Okay!" She ran to Taylor's room and said. "Lunar is going house hunting wanna come?" "Do I ever!" She jumped from her bed excited then she realized she had something to do. "Oh... I can't I promised mom I'd clean up a bit." "You can clean up then we can go we can help you too." Lunar said. "No I mean not just the house she wanted the backyard set up and because she's working hasn't been able too so she asked if I could do she said you can help but she likes it done the way I do it." "Oh. I see. Are you sure?" "It's alright you and sissy go if you get something to eat call me cause I might want something to eat later." "Alright. Cause we can help you." "It's okay I got it." "Okay. We'll bring something back most likely." "Okay. Call me when you do." "Okay. Come on." The two went out as Taylor began her chores and the two got in the car and went to some places. "Showroom's now open?" Lunar said to see a big sign near East hills. "Well it's not near the school but it's closer than your guys house. Let's take a look at some places." "Okay." Lunar parks in front of a house and they both get out and walk up and it showed it was open and they went in and there were show people there talking and Lunar and Sarina took their shoes off since the sign said take you shoes off please. They went up to the desk and the lady stopped talking to her coworker and said. "Hi how can we be of service?" "Oh nothing really just looking for a new house and looking around." "Alright the place is open and if you have any more questions just come talk to us we'll be right here." "Yeah thanks." Lunar said as she and Sarina walked into the living room and then down the hall and such they looked around and then went up to the second floor where the bedrooms were. Sarina stayed with Lunar and she walked around looking and she liked this house so far but they had to look at more than just the one. She went back down and then to the basement with Sarina following her. They looked around and such and Lunar liked it so far and then went back up and went to the front desk. "How was it?" The woman asked. "It's pretty nice I'm looking for a family home to live in while i'm going to SAIT, my dad left me a place in Canmore that is my forever home but I also want a home close to the city when I'm in town and such similar to holiday home after?" "Oh that's a good idea but what would work is the place in Canmore you could use it as a winter and fall home while the spring and summer one is in the city?" "Well that could work but I want to live in the canmore home full time after. I know renting is a good option but i'd rather have a place of my own to work on." "You could rent the house out." "Yeah but there's a lot of people who destroy it and you gotta repair it and I was thinking like you can have the house in the city as a relaxing place for when your doing stuff like work in the city while you have your main vacation like home in the mountains." "Oh I see yea theres a few more houses down the left side here that you might like their similar to this house but some are different ways and such there's one here that is a house that someone is selling that's a nice house built in the early 2000s. It's a small house but it's a good family home for after." She shows her the house from google maps and she and Sarina went and checked it out and it was nice and Lunar started to feel like she knew this place. It was near her old childhood home. She was in her before when she was really young. She chose to get the house and was gonna move in a month. She and Sarina then went to Harvey's and got food and got something for Taylor and they went home and talked for a bit while eating and such and then they cleaned up the rest that Taylor had left and went to Chinook mall and Lunar said. "I have to meet with someone I'll catch up with you okay. " "Okay." She went to the food court and found her. "Hi." "Hi, it's been awhile Lunar how have you been my girl." She was like a second mom to her and she cared about her and when they moved she said if she needed any help no matter how old she was she was there for her. They hugged and sat after getting Starbucks and started talking. "So, what made you think photography was a class you'd like?" "My dad used to photograph a lot when he was younger and before and I like Photography and Videography. I have a Youtube channel that i've been posting vlogs and gaming videos with friends on for awhile now. My camera isn't the best though." She pulls it out and it's a simple camera you'd see at a park or places for technically just photos but she bought a mic for it to help with the sound. "Oh well the ones you're getting from the school are more professional." "Do I need to pay extra?" "No. It's with the programs payment and your dad had paid everything in advance for you. " "Yeah I uh bought a house close for me to drive to school and it's very familiar." "Where is it?" She shows her. "OH! That's our old house. It was up for sale again?" "Yeah and I went and bought it and no wonder it felt familiar it was your guy's old house Gunner's grandfathers home? " "Yeah my husbands father really wanted it in the family but before we had good jobs we couldn't so we moved in with my parents and half a year later we both got better jobs and then we got a different house since the people who lived here didn't sell it yet. But at least it's in good hands. " "Yeah. I was thinking since it looks like it needs a new coat of paint and some upgrades I was gonna renovate it." "Yeah. That would be a good project. During your breaks and Holidays and when you're finished college. " "Yeah, so hows Gunner? and his dad?" "They're good Gunner is joining my classes I convinced him. He knows I'm meeting with you and told me he wanted to meet with me and asked for your number and I gave it to him if that's okay." "Yeah." "He said he'll message you when I get home." "Alright so expect a text?" "Yeah. So how has everything been?" "Alright I guess.. Not used to being on my own like this I had independence but I didn't realize I felt so alone even with my friends and such not being with family feels..." "Different?" "Yeah. Different. Hearing my dad passing on and My mom becoming psychotic and trying to hurt me and ending up in jail for multiple things she's done over the years and changed her identity and no one told me because her family didn't know either. Her abuse also didn't help. There were good times where she was good to me and I missed those days where she didn't hit me or lectured me or you know her yelling and screaming at me every time I went to dads for safety. She also would destroy and throw out whatever he got me the only thing she didn't was the electronics since they were expensive and she could not replace them so she let me keep them. All though she'd take them away for no reason if I didn't answer quickly I even had better grades than I did. Then we fought because I wanted to go to college for this and I told my dad my dreams and he went and supported me he knew my mom wouldn't let me so he got me inrolled already and I took a special test at school without telling my mom I aced it and she thought it was a normal school test. I told her the next day and she got upset with me and well that's when I was kicked out and then she went after me like a mad dog when I called her mother and her sister and brother in law they were supportive of me going and her mother never knew her daughter was so corrupt like that she didn't know what changed her she's been looking into stuff to figure out why she's been like that and nothing has been found she had a normal childhood her parent's never laid a hand on her ever they'd be respectful when disiplining her they'd take away her toys for a few days and ground her but nothing harsh like she did to me. They're still questioning the police of what is going to happen with her since she's going to a hospital for crooks. They found a lot of stolen items from peoples homes she robbed and they're returning them. " "That's good that they're returning them I feel horrible for how she became and I thought she and your dad were gonna be a great team to raise you and your older brother." "Yeah." "You haven't met him have you?" "No." "Well You're in luck because he and his fiance Shelle are coming to my classes and I'll talk to him about meeting you." "Really?" "Yeah he's best friends with Gunner. He and his fiance moved here together and they're both taking the same classes she's also working at the cafe at the campus, he works nearby at the cheesecake factory down on Macleod trail there maybe we should have a family get together later on or when is your birthday again?" "September 16. " "Oh right now I remember yeah it's really nice there." "Hm yeah I went there once and I wasn't in such a good mood I was upset with my parents because they didn't get me what I wanted for my birthday which was a new bike. I got it later during christmas." "Gunner's first bike was given to him by his grandpa he had his old bike and it was in new and working condition and he still has it and rides it everyday he also still has his granddads hat he wears it everyday its the only hat his granddad wore while riding that bike and he said it gave him good luck. Anyways I better get going I have a 4 o'clock meeting with the school and such before classes begin and so I will see you when you come to your first classes or if we ever meet during before classes start." "Yeah see you. " She got up and hugged her and left and Lunar sat there waiting for the sisters and she was gonna text Taylor and then she called her. "Are you done?!" "Yeah why what's up?" "Come to Hottopic we had a crazy idea with the arctic fox hair dye and we already asked mom and she said it was okay. " "Uh oh... Okay i'm on my way. " "Yay!" She hung up and went since it was not far from the food court. She went in and Sarina instantly jumped her with the question. "Lulu!" "Um... What?" "Lunar. We were thinking of dying our hair but we have enough money for the two bottles. Sis wants to do blue and I was thinking green what do you want if you want to dye your hair." "Uh... I was interested in doing the half half like SIA but I like the ombrea styles. Actually no you two are buying teas I'll buy the hair dyes. " "Oh... Okay." Sarina said she got a green and Taylor got a blue while Lunar got Pink, White, Purple, and a lighter blue. "Don't ask what i'm gonna do with these colors. " "Okay. " They went to David's tea and got iced teas. They then went home and unpacked whatever they also went and got after. Lunar got a new outfit again and they went and dyed their hairs with the hair dye bowl and brushes and such Lunar got awhile back and never used them. She was the hair stylist of them and she dyed both their hairs and then washed up and cleaned up and then worked on hers and she did a white to pink white on the top and pink on the bottom on one side the other was blue to purple. She then rinsed it out when it was time and since it was getting late they all went to bed. 

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